BigKabeza's Recent Forum Activity

  • You have been fast Liam Twose Congrats!

    I hope to upload my game soon

  • This should be added on the C3 manual soon, I hope

  • A very simple way to do it is with the bullet behavior.

    If touch.x

    is greater than character.x--> bullet blabla

    is less than character.x--> bullet blabla

    If you want to go to the background:

    you can compare the distance form touch.x to your character.x, and set an apropiate bullet speed.

    if touch.y (between xxx and xxx)

    decrease gradually the size of the character.


    I think this could work fine.

  • The last time I tried to build inside android studio if I add ads I get a black screen. I dont know if still is like this.

    The apksigner comand is next:

    Supose you have created a keystore file called KEYSTORE.jks and you have exported your apk using unsigned apk option inside C3 with the name MYGAME.apk

    (Inside your android studio folder-->sdk-->build-tools-->27.0.3(or whatever other version)) open the command line:

    -------------------------------->apksigner sign --ks KEYSTORE.jks --out MYGAME_SIGNED.apk MYGAME.apk

    Then you have to enter your keystore password and your alias password, previously created.

    The file MYGAME_SIGNED.apk will be created on your folder.

    NOTE: If you are using the new PowerShell of windows you have to add at the beggining of the command --> ".\"


    Now, if you want to test your signed apk quicky on your device. Connect your device to your computer usb and go to your folder:

    Move or copy MYGAME_SIGNED.apk to the folder platform-tools.

    (Inside your android studio folder-->sdk-->platform-tools) open the command line:

    First you conect your device and execute the command adb devices to know the SERIALNUMBER of your device and now you can execute:

    adb -s SERIALNUMBER install MYGAME_SIGNED.apk

    The apk will appear now installed on your mobile, if you want to install again you have to delete previous versions.

    NOTE: If you are using the new PowerShell of windows you have to add at the beggining of the command --> ".\"


  • Nope. Only when its in an APK file (and think only when on Play store)

    Your app doesn´t need to be on playstore to show ads. After signed and installed manually on your device you can see the ads.

  • No, in live preview you are not going to see ads.

    Maybe the problem with your ads is that you have to link your app to admob on the admob console, this could spend a bit of time.

  • It's better to get this early without monetization than to wait with nothing to work with until the monetization is also complete.

    This way you can have your game ready when that feature is complete.

    My game is ready waiting for monetization

  • As far as I remember, once you created your admob account, the ads are ready to show. I don´t know what is wrong, because I do the same and for me is working. Maybe anyone else has an opinion...

  • Maybe this helps, you can sign your app not opening Android Studio, but using the tools of its sdk.

    In this topic you can see the comand that you need to do it.

    Is not exactly what you are asking, but maybe is worthed.

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  • ivall Come on , that is trending topic, for sure you can find something newer than xdk

  • ivall Wait for an answer instead of look for it.........

    Do you know that the forum have a funcionallity called SEARCH?

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