Joeriri's Comments

  • Hey! I would love to get in touch. You can send me an e-mail via my website:

  • I can't make any promises, but I like your game designing brain!

  • The platform behaviour has an action for enabling or disabling the double-jump. I made a global variable called doubleJumpEnabled that you can set to 0 or 1 via using the toggle in the match settings, and when the game starts I set the double jump enabled if the variable is 1, or leave it disabled if it's 0.

  • You can't! Tag only has local multiplayer. Share a keyboard or use multiple controllers!

  • You're talking about online multiplayer. If I knew how to do that in Construct, I really would!

  • That's not good! Where are you stuck?

  • Thx! I don't have any time on my hands right now to put together a tutorial for the squash and stretch effect, but it's not that complicated: In an On Land (or On Jump) event, I set the width and height to the stretched out size. Then in another event the game checks if the width of the player is not equal to the original width, and lerps the width from the current width back to the original width. Same for the height. If you don't know about Lerp, I suggest looking it up, it's very handy!

  • Thanks for the feedback! Amazing that this game is still being found :) You know, I've actually wondered if I should make a new version of this, with less bad features and maybe more content. What do you think?

  • I don't know why I never saw the replies to this. Maybe because it's from 5 years ago :) Anyway, Tag 2 is sort of already here! The newest version of the game has a lot of stuff I planned for Tag 2, like better graphics and three player support (even four now) and more! Making an update just made more sense than calling it a whole sequel. The moving platforms and portals didn't make the cut though, they didn't offer a really interesting addition to the game. I still have more updates planned actually!

  • It's a bit more complicated than that! I find the two players who are the furthest away from each other with extra helper objects and then lerp between them and zoom accordingly. That way every players is always on the screen, which sometimes doesn't happen when you lerp between all players at once.

  • Whoa I am glad you like Tag so much! I have been working on Tag 2 for a long time, but then I released it as an update for the original game. So you are already playing Tag 2! It just doesn't have the big 2 in the title. I want to add more to Tag, so probably also the moving platforms ans portals I owe you, if they are fun to play with. Expect some other new things as well, I am very motivated by all the good responses. But I'm also busy with other games so it could take some time.

  • Thank you! That second one is sort of already out! It is the version currently up and has better graphics and more stuff, I just never added the 2 to the title :) But I will be adding more to this version, perhaps also the stuff I promised to add for Tag 2.

  • I'm so sorry for you (but maybe more for your bro and sis because they are missing out!). I just don't know how to make online multiplayer in Construct 2. I have tried in the past but it didn't work for Tag. Maybe one day I will figure it out, in the mean time you will have to be really kind to your siblings or look for better friends. I'm really glad you like Tag so much, it motivates me to work on it!