CrudeMik's Recent Forum Activity

  • poisonpage That's really funny! Great art.

  • How did you do this? Can't quite work it out, lots of small samples simulating a synth instead of actually generating the sounds?

  • Thanks man very useful!

  • Stay tuned ..a full featured ai will be released soon on the forums for top down shooters....


  • I'm having a bit of trouble wrapping my head around something.

    I'm struggling to control variables, here's an example:

    Say if I have a number variable called speed, it starts at 0. If the player presses up, every tick add 1 to 'speed' - if player releases up, every tick subtract 1 from speed.

    First question is how do I 'clamp' the variable so that it never extends past a max or minimum speed?

    Second question is how would I use this 'speed' variable to affect something else which uses a different numerical range, let's say volume, at 0 speed, volume should be 0db at 50 speed volume should be 0.5 etc

    I know how to set 'volume' to 'speed' - but I don't want the volume to have a range of 0 - 100, I'd like it to be 0 - 1 - or even if it was something wild like timescale, I'd like timescale to be affected by 'speed' but with a range of 0 - 1.5 instead of 0 - 100.

    Am I explaining this okay? I'm pretty confused over the matter haha.



  • *Updated this to include the latest video*


    Phobos002 - I accidentally made something similar to your square shooting game today, was testing things out for my other game and this happened. Yours looks a million times better though :)

  • Ah gotcha, cheers

  • How can I see the UID of an object in the Layout Editor?

  • JohnnySix haha cheers, yeah I didn't quite figure it out.

  • Exactly what I've been looking for. Thank you!

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