CrudeMik's Recent Forum Activity

  • valdarko haha I think that game is pretty much dead, the mechanics are horrible! Also that Max Magic Marker game came out and did it better.

  • Already posted this but this thread keeps a good record of this sort of stuff so re-post!


  • Hey all, 3 years ago I started to learn Construct Classic and I'm still here using C2 and loving it. I've made a compilation of all the terrible things I've made in that time, hope you enjoy :)

    If you want to know more about my games visit CrudePixel

    Youtube Link:

    Games are in chronological order from oldest to newest :)


  • I like the replay feature, how did you do that?

    Why not try add a new element to the Super Meat Boy framework you've created, keep platforming at the core but remix it to give it value as its own thing? Easier said than done, but it could be worth playing about with some mechanics to experiment, you might find you end up with a cool idea.

    Might be more worth your time experimenting / being creative with the idea than working on a story which is often superfluous in arcade games (though I'd love to be proven wrong on that!)


  • Quick tease of half a WIP level played in the 'map' view at 4x speed.

    As usual, everything is pre-alpha - nothing looks like it will. :)

    [TUBE] [/TUBE]

  • Thanks guys :)

  • keepee

    Thanks! Yeah the character is entirely physics, I've spent most of my time on the game fine-tuning the movement, I was very worried it would end up feeling floaty like lbp but after a lot of experimentation I think this character feels more familiar / traditional even though it is physics.

  • [TUBE][/TUBE]

    Here's an updated teaser showing some basic drone gameplay. Everything is still in pre-alpha so all assets, art, sound etc are placeholder.

    This is the same content that I showed in the last video but with updated mechanics, physics and art - I made the video so I can link people to a more recent version of the game as opposed to the painfully slow build from a few months ago.

    I'm also introducing a new label associated with the game. Coffee and Tea, Tyler and I have formed a joint studio and this is what we're calling ourselves. Website / press material will be available when we hit Alpha but for now use to see what we're up to.


  • It was the distance(0,0,ship.physics.velocityX,ship.physics.velocityY) which worked.

    Using sqrt(sprite.physics.VelocityX^2+sprite.physics.VelocityY^2)

    almost worked except for 'head on' collisions which must have been negative values.

  • Wow thanks, multiple solutions here - got it all working now and I've learnt some new stuff!

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  • Hi, I'm having a lot of trouble with this problem:

    I have a spaceship and a variable called 'velocity threshold' - I want it so that if the ships velocity is past the threshold and the ship collides with a wall, the ship should blow up.

    The ship can move in 360 degrees, like asteroids.

    Any help is appreciated, thanks

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