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  • Here's an example of it working. Click on the two sprites to start/stop the sound at each. ... IDTag.capx

    I think you are having picking issues. I don't trust Trigger Once. I'd use a flag, like I've done, to actually control the sound. Or you can even see if the sound is playing already, to start/stop.

    Yeah I'm really struggling with picking - here's my actual code in the way it makes sense to me:

    I can't seem to find a condition that isn't using trigger once to make the sound play only once as the laser, when it's turned off by shooting the button it waits 5 seconds and then switches on again, so I'm using 'isOn' variables etc.

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  • You could convert the UID of the laser to a string and use that as the tag. That would make the tag unique per instance, even for the same sound.

    Just got round to trying this!

    Doesn't seem to work as intended - here's my code:

    And here's a demo demonstrating what's happening:

    As you can hear, the first object starts playing okay - but when the second activates the sound isn't being positioned on to it and I can't seem to stop the sound.

    Any ideas?


  • C2 audio plugin needs a routing architecture resembling channels in a classical mixer. Basically it needs a master channel and busses.

    Yeah, this.

  • I really think the tagging system needs work. Effects are pretty pointless the way they're currently implimented, unless I'm missing something.

    Lets say you have "player_footstep" tag and every time the event is triggered you assign pitch variation to the tag. Now if you wanted to do this for more sounds like "player_jump" and "player_shoot" - you all of a sudden have a bunch of tags.

    If you wanted to apply a reverb to all the player sounds in this instance you couldn't because you assign reverbs to tags, you can't write: apply reverb to: "player_footsteps" & "player_shoot" & "player_roll"


    For example in my game Brute, I've got a layered multi-tag system for the player ship engine noise, I've 3 layers that pitch up and down at different rates based on the objects speed. I can't assign any effects to the whole engine without creating multiple reverbs which is costly.

    A solution for this example could be to have more detail on the sound playback event such as, play sound at object and at X pitch with the tag "player_sounds" - but perhaps a more comprehensive solution could be to have groups and subgroups.

    Event: "Player_footsteps"

    Group: "SFX"

    Sub-group: "PLAYER"

    Then could we maybe get rid of tags and instead look up the event name to apply changes to the audio event?

    On Audio Event Name: "Player_footsteps" - Set playback volume to: random(x,x)

  • Brute Update:

    Brute is still in development and it's going well! It's design complete with a fully working menu supporting 100 levels and a basic save system. I'm now doing a final pass on all the levels, finishing up the SFX and working on the music myself and with other composers.

    I've got a logo and other bits too which designer Tyler Barber made:

    I'm putting together the app on Steam and I hope to have a pre-release test build to send out to those who helped me test a few months back

  • > But I'm thinking that folk won't have the paid version of construct so won't be able to open it (has way more than 100 events).


    The free edition can open larger projects, and preview them. You just can't edit or export them.

    Ah okay cool.

  • I would love to see that Capx , love your style.

    I would just say not to worry about the paid version issue, just make it very clear it requires the paid version to edit/open it themselves?

    Yeah I probably shouldn't worry about it just use a readme.

  • maybe using "include" ?

    btw cool game!!!

    Thanks, what's "include" ?

  • I'm thinking of releasing my game Brute

    with the Construct 2 project file so people can mod the game / do whatever they like with the assets as part of the purchase. But I'm thinking that folk won't have the paid version of construct so won't be able to open it (has way more than 100 events). So I was wondering if anyone here had any ideas of the best way of presenting this?

    Maybe I could sell the project files separately on the store but give folk who buy the game outside this site a key with their purchase? That way they're directed to this site etc

    Or I guess just bundling in the source in a folder with the build of the game with a readme would probably be enough. Another thought it to just put the source up online for free which basically means anyone with construct can play the whole game through the editor if they wanted, which I wouldn't mind at all but it may undermine the purchase price of the Steam version.

    Anyway just thinking aloud, would welcome any thoughts on this.


  • You could convert the UID of the laser to a string and use that as the tag. That would make the tag unique per instance, even for the same sound.

    Ah yeah! Great idea I'll try that tonight Thanks so much!

  • I have multiple instances of a laser which can be turned on and off.

    I am playing a sound loop on each laser positionally. I want to be able to have the sound stop and start per instance of laser instead of a global tag of 'laser' which turns them all off and on.

    Any ideas?

    I want a flexible system because I've 100 levels with many configurations of these lasers already designed.


  • I played a little while ago with Bézier curves using the DeCasteljau Algorithm

    Maybe it's something useful for you: ... sp=sharing

    huh that's super interesting, thanks!

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