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  • :<

    Is this question too difficult? Am I not being clear enough on what I want? Am I asking too much?

    This is an important question, I can't keep working on my project if I can't make an inventory list.

    I think it's difficult, because there are like 10 cap files to go through with million objects, events, variables. Strip it down to minimum, ged rid of everything we don't need to see before you upload it. I've tried to make what you asked, I hope thats it. At least I've reduced it from 10MB down to 10kB link

  • I just finished your tutorial. Finally, I can say I understand a hash array . I've never knew why should I use hash over normal array, but here it's nice and clear example.

    I have one little thing, could you comment(explain) conditional action for mouse wheel up event? I've never used it and wiki expressions example makes me more confused.

    EDIT:nevermind - found a good explanation here

    last post on the first page

  • So long awaited update is here! Thank you, can't wait to test it.

  • I'll download it and read it later, but I thought I'd thank you in advance. It looks very detailed.

  • I like Reactive Path Following & Climbing. I wish there'd be someone who could turn it into a plugin for C2.

  • I use Construct's editor or Photoshop. Also, look here

    For dust etc. I'd use one shot particles.

  • to alastair: thanks for sharing. I thought, I'd look how it looks in unlimited mode - same i have 50fps, I didn't know it's that demanding(347 objects doesn't look too much). I would have to come up with something else if I wanted to use it in a game.

  • -How would I make the selected ants 'patroll' an area? By this I mean you click in two different spot and then they go from one to the other continuosly until interupted by enemies or something

    -How could I make the ants spawn randomly around the anthills so they don't bunch up on top of each other?

    1 - in RTS tab, there is "Add waypoint at position". I'd have an event with

    on mouse click - get mouse position - add it to ant's waypoint1

    on second click - get mouse position - add it to ant's waypoint2

    than if an ant:

    get to waypoint1 - send him to waypoint2

    get to waypoint2 - send him to waypoint1

    2 - I've made a similar example here

    Don't mind that Czech text inside. Basically, there is an checker which checks if there is a free space to create an object. Turn off first 2 actions in the 1 Event to see it.

  • I just tried it, it shouldn't be hard to make. I think hardest (most time consuming) would be create all the graphics and animations, sounds and music. If you have all that, than the rest could be done in few hours. I'm busy with my own projects, but someone else might help you or post a specific question.

  • I didn't understand it, but last 2 paragraphs helped me. It looks interesting and super useful.

  • Nice game. My low-score is 67,000

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Jumping looks...uhmm, funny. Like the graphics style.

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Member since 5 Jul, 2009

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