Noga's Recent Forum Activity

  • I'm playing with a pathfinding, I have a sprite "Soldier" and a "Player". For soldier I have a custom pathfinding where a path is made of sprite objects, named "wp", aligned to a 32x32 tile grid. Each "wp" has is own PV "id", it's a number 1,2,3... up to X. Where 1 is the node closest to the Soldier, on the path to the Player and X is closest node to the Player.

    It works ok, only looks robotic. I've read in an article about A* pathfinding, that I could smooth the path to make it look more natural, with the line of sight. The method should be like:

    node 1 has clear view to node 3 > delete node 2....

    I added LOS behavior to the "wp", but I don't know how to differentiate each node, how to pick node 1 and node 3 etc.


    I thought, I could add the cap

    don't mind numbers on the map, they have no purpose yet.

    and the problem is in the event 14


    I think, the problem with the link is, instead "&" symbol there is %26. I've changed it back to "&", if it still doesn't work, use one of the links below.



  • You can add to the 5th event new condition which will compare the angle of the goomba and if the angle is 0 (goomba isn't upside down) - it will send the mage to the start. It will look something like this.

    + System: On collision between goomba (Pick) and mage (Pick)

    + goomba: Angle Equal to 0

    -> mage: Flash for 1 seconds with 0.1 seconds interval

    -> mage: Start ignoring user input

    -> Wait: Delay 1000 ms

    -> mage: Set position to 480, 325

    -> mage: Stop ignoring user input

  • For how long I can stay signed in. Sometimes after browsing the forum I want to replay a post and after writing it and clicking Post Replay, it's deleted and I have to login again.

  • Brashmonkey - didn't you make a Construct demo with this character 2-3 years ago. I think, I've played it and I remember I liked how grass and trees were animated. One of the first things I've seen made with Construct.

  • I've tried to play the demo again on my desktop pc, which has a better video card (8800gt) and it runs perfectly, also the problem in the second level where I couldn't jump on higher platforms was performace problem. I'd never thought, that framerate could be that important, but if I bought the game and played it on the laptop, I'd get stuck in the 2nd level.

  • At animator tab for the player, select the angle and change "Repeat #" to 1

  • For me it runs best at the start of 2-1, where are only tree tops and sky. There is another issue, when I press left alt, it puts light blue color over the screen which covers everything except numbers.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Totally agree, we need that. (also would be great if there was one video format).

    What if I'll make a Czech translation of the page (and I believe, there are users who'd translate it into other languages). Would it be possible to switch the language automatically according to the ip of a viewer? I you're ok, I could send you the translation tomorrow.

  • Destroying it should do it, or is there another problem?

  • So when new challenge starts? Sorry, couldn't wait anymore<img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I am trying come up with 'random level' generator...

    It shouldn't be hard, but maybe it just doesn't look difficult <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> . Anyway, everthing sounds good, gl with creating.

  • It looks very polished, everything works as it should. I have mixed feelings from it, it looks good, nice effects, but I haven't used them much. They come too easy and there is lot of them, I didn't know what scrolls/tomes do. There isn't much of a challenge, I was just pressing left/right and sometimes up/down, but there was no timing, I just wanted to see how an effect looks like rather than to help me get rid of bugs or whatever it should do.

    I'll wait for next versions, good luck! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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Member since 5 Jul, 2009

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