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  • I have almost completly opposite opinion than Davio. Graphics and performance great, nice to see something like that moving good in a browser. I only agree with the polished turd thing, but I always fall for that, can't help it even it's shiny only on the outside.

  • It happens often, when there is a commercial break on a tv and I switch to other channel just to check out if there is anything more interesting going on, and voila!, there is exactly the same commercial, just few seconds delayed or forward. Than I like to switch between the channels and wath the d?j? vu <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I think I copied it into the runetime folder, but I'm not sure what I did anymore, doesn't matter now, it works. It's 6am here, probably should go to bed..

  • I didn't know such plugin exists. I copied the file over original and now I get runetime error.

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  • There's nothing for sfx, sprites, only in the music section there is>

    "You are free to use all bundled music that comes with your edition exclusively for creations made in Construct 2 within the terms of the edition you are using"

    so I thought better ask first...

  • Can I use sfx, music etc. from C2 free bundle in Construct Classic or it's exclusively only for C2?

  • According to this CNN article player's average age now is 38.

    That's much more than I expected, I thought something around 20. Thanks for the links, interesting read. Like, 90% of gamers never finish their game <img src="smileys/smiley3.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • Thanks for putting it together.

  • What about game length? What do you think, would be a good gameplay length for a single player game, not rpg, say side-scroller? Are there any statistics, how much time people spend playing daily, according to their age, and how long they usually stay with one game? And what's todays average player age?

  • I haven't been here for a while and I must say, the site looks much better now, good work.

  • I ditched that method, it was slow, but I'll probably need more help soon again.

    I'm just curious, if it's possible in CC to test 2 instances of an object, like I'm trying in the event 14 or how should go about it.

  • Link is fixed

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Member since 5 Jul, 2009

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