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  • ghost As you probably have found the replace function in the event editor doesn't let you do that. The objects need to be the same type to do for it to work.

  • Sorry, I don't know what's amiss. Assuming my example is correct then yours should work if there is no typos.

  • pcfernandesjr

    Doesn't the original example do that too? Like alextro said it just positions the eggs where the player was a certain time in the past, so if the player stops they will all stack on him.

    I don't have a solution to keeping the eggs from stacking. I've tried stopping time advancement when the player doesn't move, but then the eggs are just frozen in space.

    One idea could be to think of the eggs as a chain attached to the player. So maybe leveraging the pin behavior to link them together and drop them with gravity and bounce them a bit.

  • I meant how the behavior actually moves the object. The two ways I can think of off hand would be either it calculates a distance and angle an repeatedly moves and decreases the distance, or it continuously moves toward a point at a constant speed. It doesn't matter either way since it just moves to a stationary point. It can't handle a moving point.

    One way you possibly could use the behavior would be to use the move to behavior to advance to the next node and then every tick manually rotate the square and use that equation to rotate the object with the square.

  • Decompilers that produce source to recompile the original file don't really exist.

    I used a hex editor to change some text in the csx file. So basically I just tweaked some data in it. Anything more like changing the logic isn't really feasible, even for small things. Basically it would require using assembly language to deal with the lowest level stuff. A big change like like making it work with animations isn't possible. You'd be better off making another plugin I suppose.

  • pcfernandesjr

    In that example just adding another egg works fine to add it to the end. If you want the eggs to be ordered in the way you collect them you could do something like this to assign a number to the eggs you collect:

    global index=0
    on player collided with egg
    egg is not collected
    for each egg
    --- egg: set collected to true
    --- egg: set num to index
    --- add 1 to index[/code:1pc1953s]
    Then change the "for each" in the example to
    egg is collected
    for each egg ordered by egg.num ascending
  • Yeah, my solution is very incomplete. I don't know exactly how the the moveto behavior operates to make a recommendation. Personally I'd opt to do the motion with just events instead of working around the behaviors, but it's likely not useful since it would be incompatible with what you may had.

    [quote:ycvgommh]The problem is I can't think of the formula I need to use to adjust the object's position based on the rotation of the square. Any help?

    If you want the math to rotate an object around a point here's a post with the math for that:

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  • You could just move around the unrotated nodes, but keep the circle invisible. Then have another visible sprite that you set:

    sprite: set position to square

    sprite: move circle.x-square.x pixels at square.angle

    sprite: move circle.y-square.y pixels at square.angle+90

  • kalbun

    If the editor crashes and if the exported game crashes are two different things. And in general bad drivers won't make the exported game crash where it will crash the editor. Web browsers and nw.js will likely have the bad driver blacklisted in some way so webgl will be disabled so a crash can't occur.

  • Well the tool directs me to the amd site. Which in turn prompts me to download their autodetect utility. It sees my card but says no driver can be found. So my laptop's manufacturer is the only place to get a driver.

  • Does the GraphicsDriverUpdater.exe utility in the C2 install folder help? It at least directs you to the graphics card's manufactures site to find a newer driver, if it exists. Fore example, The latest amd driver I can get that works for my card is 5 years old.

    If it crashes in the editor when opening a webgl capx then the "bug" is your graphics card can't handle shaders or something? I can use most effects in the editor except for a few of the more involved ones, which do crash the editor. But no doubt it's due to graphics card limits in my case.

    There is a project property "preview effects" to turn off the preview in the editor. capx files are just zip files that you can extract to a folder and you can change the setting in the .caproj file.

  • The acceleration when overlapping the wall should only be set if the wall is below the ball, otherwise it should just be down. If the wall's angle is between 90 and 270 the it's facing down. Also setting the velocity of the ball should only be done if the ball's velocity is moving toward the wall (this will provide the jumping).

    Also it could help a bit if you correct the position of the ball so it pushes out of the wall.

    There probably will be issues when the path crosses over itself. One idea could be to only check walls so far ahead and disable them as you pass or something.

    You could probably get a similar effect with the physics behavior, but you'll still have to deal with the issue of the path crossing over itself.