Doesn't the original example do that too? Like alextro said it just positions the eggs where the player was a certain time in the past, so if the player stops they will all stack on him.
I don't have a solution to keeping the eggs from stacking. I've tried stopping time advancement when the player doesn't move, but then the eggs are just frozen in space.
One idea could be to think of the eggs as a chain attached to the player. So maybe leveraging the pin behavior to link them together and drop them with gravity and bounce them a bit.
Yes, I expressed myself badly. The eggs indeed are supposed to overlap each other while they're idle. That is fine.
What happened is that they were overlapped while in movement. But this was due some mistake I did.
The issue now is that, for each egg that joins the line, the LERPing gets more and more screwed up. Here is the current code:
If you want to take a look on the real thing running, I uploaded the demo on my dropbox:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/129 ... index.html
This is an example of what I want to achieve. If anyone can help, this will be usefull for other people.
Hi —, maybe you should do this:
have a way to check this before starting the following part of the code:
1-which direction your character is facing
2-if the x position of your character is greater or smaller (depending if the player will start walking left, or right.) than the x position of the follower
I think that should work, but as we can see I am not an specialist <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz">