Android-Music's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi Crowtongue, thanks a lot for cheers!

    Well, not many people like that but to be honest, I fixed a few horrible bugs in this prototype thanks to some guys from the competition thread and MrMiller, build 0.2(current is 0.19) will contain exit menu and probably a few more features!

    So man, feel free to post any suggestions, that will help me build a way better product!

    Will be posting updates in topic from time to time.

  • Thanks! Well, "Esc" isn't bad if you make an exit menu first, I'll think about it.

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  • SMALL CORRECTION BEFORE SOME CHANGES: The project is now on so feel free to check it out from time to time! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

    "End of the World 2012" is a quick metroidvania prototype about a strange accident on Station 2012 and a hero to investigate the matter.

    Made in 5 days.

    Game Jolt link(recommended) - ... 012/12329/

    Direct link to the game -

    More info - ... -2012.html

    UPDATE 5.11.12: build 0.24 is here with some nice changes!!!

    1) Partially solved boulder issues, some still stay in air but now it doesn't looks that awkward(mostly), added falling boulders

    2) Changes menu look a bit - added a reflection to hero's mask, slight zoom, planet looks more different

    3) Left and right triggers now allow aim diagonally

    4) Added splashes to acid when falling or shooting acid

    5) Changed boss AI

    6) Some small details to some rooms

    7) Added a small ad, just to test how it works, looks good in my opinion

    UPDATE 25.10.12: version 0.23 is here! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    1)Added some variety to levels

    2)Pause menu(plus made some changes in other menus, select with up/down buttons and press Enter/Start or A(XBOX360))

    3)Bunch of small audio and enemy fixes(probably not interesting)Android-Music2013-05-04 21:21:36

  • Wait, standalone program? Am I missing something?

    EDIT: or sorry, didn't read it quite well, reading...

    EDIT2: OMG, that's a piece of genius! How long have I been away, dammit! Thanks for the info, you're superman! Now I can't wait for this miracle come true! :3

  • Seems like I found some kind of workaround,


    In this example gray hand is manipulated via bone behavior and the orange hand moves smoothly after gray hand via Lucid's Math Plugin

    Brain pain anyway... Anyone have a better suggestion?

  • Is it possible to make smooth animations with Bone Behavior via some workarounds? I used lerp in a fan game to make hero aim gradually but that's quite a lot pain in a brain.

    Link 1 (made this long ago)

    I just don't really like rough movement like in bone behavior, it comes nearly impossible to animate a character, looks really clumsy...

  • AMD Athlon X2 240 2.8 Ghz, Geforce 8400 GS(perhaps that's the issue), 4 GB RAM DDR2 Most other CC games run smooth.

    I tried with and without lights, performance difference was small. Dunno if I could recommend you to cut some fx, it looks just too gorgeous right now... :)

  • The whole game is awesome*10000000 but slow as hell on my dualcore! Can't say more on the game yet, testing...

    Btw what's happened to Yokai? Sry if smth's wrong, I'm just sleepy right now(yawns)...

  • Aaah, silly me, I would have never really guessed to do it this way! Jayjay, I owe you thousand thanks, you really helped me out, man! :3

  • Ok, a simple test cap just to check if it works - press any key to go to layout 2.

    2 objects in the right - sprite and canvas upon it, on the left - sprite that receives the texture from canvas. Sorry for a rough cap!

  • So what's up with one layout problem? I couldn't find a proper workaround for this...

  • Hell Yeah, that's an instrument! :D

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