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  • Wow it looks awesome! But yeah, feels like animations are just a lil bit chunky, certainly I'd recommend adding an extra few frames and make all weapon impacts more massive! Everything else is awesome!

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  • Teeth grinding, nerves are burning, gun's gonna shoot itself... Enemy is right in front of you... What should you do? Wait for a perfect turn so you could pass silently or just blow away it's head with your ultra super duper awesome laser gun and then attract another dozen scary monsters that are definitely not looking to have a cup of tea with you?

    Did this while working on the game(just in case I warn you: main hero is dude lol). Comments, suggestions?

    George Dziov, overusing visual effects since 1989 :)

    This is a screenshot from new location, lots of new stuff added.

    I'm thinking about an early pre-order, $1 for start, what do you guys say about that?

    MrMiller and Rory will receive the final product for free, Crowtongue, you will receive full game and some neat bonuses like game artbook in digital format and soundtrack(and my upcoming album) as the most active user! ;)

  • Hmmmm, what this wall is doing here?

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Oh btw, this is a workaround for my physics problem! All boulders are under active physics! Guess how did I do that? :)

    This is a screenshot from C2 version.

    New art asset screenshots are coming just in a couple days!

  • 2 cents from me, 2 cents from me! Awesomeness - add effects like filters from Flash - glow, gradient glow, bevel, gradient bevel, pleaeaeaeaease! :3

  • Oh, completely forgot about AI! Abilities, hmmm... would be awesome! Dunno yet whether I'll be able to make 'em right in the next version... but it's worth a try anyway! :)

    If you guys over the forum have suggestions, don't be shy, put 'em out! ;)

    And yeah, people, please check out my thread at

    , got some problems with physics!

    EDIT: oh my goodness, I made an awesome workaround but if you have solution to the problem in that post feel free to drop a word there! ;)

  • Hi! I have a platformer , now I'm trying to port mechanics in C2 but I wanna change something - in CC version you can see boulders are not collidable after bullet hitting them, I made them behave like that because player starts rapidly changing animations if being pushed by collidable boulders. I see C2's physics behavior is a huge improvement over CC's(playing is not falling through ground and doesn't fly away) but I still have this problem. I wanna make boulders always collidable but want to avoid that freaky animation shuffling on hero. Any advice/workaround?

    Here's flv -

    If having trouble viewing this, try Light Alloy player

  • It's a room from CC(update 0.24) but C2 version will appear shortly!

    Oh, btw what would you like to suggest to add into the next demo? I'm planning to port CC version to C2(as a playable map probably) but I wanna add something fresh, something like a global map where you select locations and explore them, a little bit like in Demon's Crest or Act Raiser!

  • <img src="" border="0" />

  • Ok, build 0.24 is here with some nice changes!!!

    1) Partially solved boulder issues, some still stay in air but now it doesn't looks that awkward(mostly), added falling boulders

    2) Changes menu look a bit - added a reflection to hero's mask, slight zoom, planet looks more different

    3) Left and right triggers now allow aim diagonally

    4) Added splashes to acid when falling or shooting acid

    5) Changed boss AI

    6) Some small details to some rooms

    7) Added a small ad, just to test how it works, looks good in my opinion

    This is probably the last build in CC, still not sure about software...

    Next build will probably be huge change, dunno if I'll be able to finish it soon, will be teasing you guys with screenshots, vids, sketches, story...

    Right now I'm rebuilding the demo in C2

    Sure suggestions are welcome ;)

  • Hehe thanks dude! :)

    Actually there was a skull before, this skull is from cover of my WIP preorder album ;)

    Yeah, still thinking off this boulder physics thingy, having a lotta job to do about this.

    Btw already solved sitting diagonal shooting - was mostly testing with XBOX360 gamepad, forgot about keyboard, haha :D

    I like your suggestion about complete darkness on edges, will add it for sure! Turret speeding up on each blast is great! I was also thinking about hiding and deactivating turrets when a gunman appears, then activating them when gunman gets killed.

    Thinking what should I use for further development: C2, Unity or Stencyl(3.0 offers porting to iOS from PC), made a decent progress in C2 and Unity already.

    Also: will be posting some neat screenshots! :)

  • UPDATE: version 0.23 is here, same link as in description!

    1)Added some variety to levels

    2)Pause menu(plus made some changes in other menus, select with up/down buttons and press Enter/Start or A(XBOX360))

    3)Bunch of small audio and enemy fixes(probably not interesting)

  • Awesome! I'll rebalance the game and change the art! The contest is over(eeeeh, 8th place, sadness...) so I'm free to do whatever I want with it now! :)

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