lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • We just released a new prerelease/test build of Spriter if anyone wants to help us find bugs for the next stable release.

    There are still some things that Ashley will have to handle C2-side before character maps will work in C2, but this Spriter pre-release also contains a bugfix in .scon saves required by the plugin. So we're one step closer to the plugin supporting character maps. After the stable release, I'll immediately update the plugin to support the new variable and tag features (see link above). Once this is done, and the importer is complete c2side, the plugin will fully support all Spriter 1.0 pro features.

  • lucid

    Thanks for the reply, I do have both the save options both ticked. Basically what happens is that I drag a .scml into my C2 Project, I choose my event sheet and all is good, however when I drag the .scon file into my project, and then select the event sheet, it brings up an error with regards to a missing file.... and then when I open my spriter project, the images are missing and it shows a red block with wording in its place.

    As long as both files are saved with the same name, different extension(e.g. example.scml and example.scon), then dragging one into c2 should automatically add the other. If not (or if it's not working due to having already imported one at a time, then manually import by right clicking and importing the file into the Spriter Animations folder in the projects pane

    That's it. Once you've imported both files, you should be able to see the animation play back by previewing immediately.

  • =.=

    This is a bug in the importer.

    The workaround for now is that you need to make sure every instance of the scml object has the 'SCML File' set to the .scml version of the file, instead of the .scon.

    You may have to manually reimport the scon in the project pane as well. Right click the file, delete, and then right click on the folder, import the file. I made it so the plugin knows to change the extension to .scon by itself, so you don't have to change it back after reimporting.

    EDIT: I'm not able to cause this bug to happen even without taking the above steps anymore with the latest version of c2 and the plugin. If it still doesn't work, please send me the capx and the spriter project folder zipped, and I'll sort it out with Ashley.

  • A bug!!!

    while condition is "Mouse button is down" and set animation the animation isn't play until released the button.

    RamPackWobble, and Roccinio are correct. You can still use the events the way you are if it's useful for some other purpose, but you should use the option 'play from current position' in the action instead of 'play from start'

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  • In case anyone missed the latest update on the previous page:

    Download latest plugin here

    • Added 'Set Visible' action. When invisible, the plugin will still animate the individual sprites, so collisions and position expressions continue to function correctly.
    • Fixed a bug where if a new animation was set and the scml object was moved in the same tick, it would show the first frame of the new animation at the old location for one tick before moving to the new location

    and there was an additional action added in the previous version that I didn't mention when I released it:

    • Added actions: Set Flipped and Set Mirrored, which function identically to their Sprite counterparts

    And finally, here's a link to our latest Kickstarter update: New Spriter build coming next week and new Art Pack released!

    art pack preview:

    Thank you everyone for your continued support, feedback, and bug reports.

  • reimport error...


    hanks for reminding me of this. This is a bug with the (re)importer. I'll let Ashley know. Also, I believe there is a workaround that Mike mentioned to me. I'll ask him about it next time I see him online.

  • Anyway you can add the ability to set the Spriter object to In/visible and the ability to set the opacity level.

    The thing about opacity is since each sprite is individual, you will see the semi-transparent sprites underneath eachother, rather than one solid translucency like a normal Sprite object. I can definitely add it, though. After the upcoming build of Spriter is complete, I'll take a screenshot of what it looks like, and everyone just tell me if it's a feature you would ever use.

    Set Visible is actually one of the new actions:

    Download latest plugin here

    • Added 'Set Visible' action. When invisible, the plugin will still animate the individual sprites, so collisions and position expressions continue to function correctly.
    • Fixed a bug where if a new animation was set and the scml object was moved in the same tick, it would show the first frame of the new animation at the old location for one tick before moving to the new location

    and there was an additional action added in the previous version that I didn't mention when I released it:

    • Added actions: Set Flipped and Set Mirrored, which function identically to their Sprite counterparts

    And finally, here's a link to our latest Kickstarter update: New Spriter build coming next week and new Art Pack released!

    art pack preview:

    Thank you everyone for your continued support, feedback, and bug reports.

  • 2. One of the objects that was added later to the animations keeps on appearing in the top left corner.... and at the original object size.. which is kinda very large.

    EDIT; Yes I have the same problem as Tobye. I've cleared the animation, sprites, files everything. yet still result in the same problem. Even resaved the scml and scon files after removing(moving to a backup) them from the project directory to make sure they aren't the same.

    Never got a capx from you. Did you solve the problem?

    I am having a couple of issues with Spriter in C2 still...

    Please send me a capx as well. You definitely shouldn't have to manually make a separate left facing animation to do that. Also, if you could explain how I can reproduce the bug with the error that shows up on screen that would be helpful. Before you do that, please make sure you've downloaded the latest ( ... n/scml.rar). I posted two versions back to back, and the second one solved a similar issue.

    Also, there's a new version coming soon guys. Solves a couple more bugs, and adds an action or two.

  • What is the state right now regarding free form deformation, or deformation of any kind? I have the Pro version.

    Short version:

    Free form deformation at the moment is available as an experimental preview feature only for pro users only. It's in a proof of concept/experimental state, and we don't recommend using it in your real game yet, as it will be greatly expanded/enhanced/evolved before it's finished, and for the time being it's unsupported. If you start working on game assets, and encounter a deal breaking bug with your deformation Spriter project, it's going to take a back seat until after 1.0. With that in mind, if you just want to play around with it, and test the features, the following video at 6:23 has a basic rundown :

    The details:

    We are working on finishing the current build of Spriter, which is has the bulk of the remaining features until 1.0. After this version it's just bug fixes, and useability enhancements until 1.0.

    After 1.0 and catching up the documentation, we'll be focusing on deformation and other (unannounced) post 1.0 features(free updates for current owners of course).

    Most of the functionality is already in there, such as dynamic tessellation, skinning around bones, and variable levels of curve detail - also, deep control over texture coordinates and mapping. The rest of what needs to be done, is making things more flexible in how you can divide and control the skin, and enhancing the workflow from start to finish so it's quick and intuitive.

    I've tested the basics (simple drawing deformation tests, not real world/stress tests) with the C2 plugin sdk, and after a small request (already filled) by Ashley, it's seems the c2 plugin should be able to support deformation as well.

    So basically, we have quite a few things to do before we get there, but it's the one of the next steps after Spriter 1.0, it will be very powerful and easy to use, and it will work in c2 - but it's much to early to give an ETA.

  • For the time being, you have to have both the scml and the scon files in your import. Dragging in one should automatically import the other. And you can import manually afterward by going to the project pane/files/spriter animations/ right click and import the other file. Is this what you're already doing? Also, please make sure you have both save options enabled in Spriter - File/Save Options/

    Let me know if you've already tried this.

  • Please, send me your caps, and spriter project folders(zipped), and I'll take a look. Thanks for helping me find bugs. Sorry for any inconvenience:

  • Tobye, Did you make sure to reimport the resized scon file? (delete from c2 projects pane Files/Spriter Animations/, and right click - import new file)

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