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  • feature films are 24 frames per second, including disney movies

    watch a dreamworks 2d animation like Prince of Egypt or Road to El Dorado, and look at how the motion blur adds to the fluidity

    or watch Gladiator or 28 Weeks Later, and notice how the blurless highspeed camera used in action sequences gives reality itself an unnatural feel.

    Little Big Planet is a perfect example, if I'm correct that game is locked at 24 frames, or maybe 30.

    It has motion blur. It completes the realistic look. I would rather it be locked at the lower frame rate with the motion blur, than be at 128 frames per second without it.

    it's a subtle effect, but it makes all the difference in the world when it's the effect you need

    besides. the whole point of this thread is to discuss the possibility of a less costly motion blur technique

  • long ExtObject::cMyCondition(LPVAL params)


    if (x==5)

    {return true;}




    without any flags, the event sheet would go in order, and when it reached a cMyCondition if x was 5, it would return true and perform the actions, correct?

    triggering triggers the condition at any time, and not just in linear order?

    if so, what's the difference between triggered and fast triggered?

    inline void CRunObject::TriggerEvent(int cndIndex)[/code:2vg7fj7u]
    after adding the CND_TRIGGERED flag to the ACE,  I suppose I use TriggerEvent for triggered in any ACE or custom member function, but what do I put for cndIndex
    and how would I trigger a fast trigger
  • But is it worth killing the FPS?

    Theoretically, it seems like this technique would be both faster and provide better image quality, though I'm certainly no expert on it. Would this be a possibility in construct 2?

  • it works fine for me, although I had to change it to text, and add a default value

    <img src="">

    I just changed roomname to text and typed "hello" next to roomname and it worked fine

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  • would you be able to load an external image during runtime?

    yes, but you will do that by changing the sprite.

    the bitmapped text will act kind of like a behavior on the sprite you choose, but logically, it makes more sense as an object.

    Please! spacing specified by character PAIR as you wouldn't place AM the same distance apart than AV

    that's kerning, by character pair!

    I'll look into that, but if so it would be basic, something you can setup with an action, like "override spacing for character pair" action, and then all future spacings in that cap would be overridden. I'm not writing Microsoft Word here

  • Motion Blur is nice, but it's really just a gimmick. It's not going to make the game any more fun if it's turned on, and it's way too intensive to be played by casual players. Most people get into indie games because they just want the core game play and originality witch was present in earlier eras. IMO most games these days care mostly about graphics and looking as hot as possible.. Just gimme a new n64 Zelda or Snes Mario and i'll probably be playing them a lot longer than Gears of War.. I'm not saying that I loathe all new games, just trying to get the point across that indie games are part of a completely separate universe in which I care nothing for high end graphics. Pixel art, 8 bit sounds and chiptunes ftw.

    not for me, I play indie games for the originality, and the price

    I can buy an indie game just to try it

    the pixel art, chiptunes thing you like is a matter of personal taste

    both braid and world of goo are way ahead of what was possible on those systems

    personally, I don't want to make a simulation of an 8 or 16 bit game.

    I want to make the experience as immersible and visceral as possible.

    2d was left behind when fast 3d became feasible. Construct is a vehicle for elevating 2d to current gen, where people can say," wow, that game looks amazing!"

    thomasmahler's project is a perfect example. why would we not want awesome graphical effects at our disposal?

    besides, motion blur is one of the least gimmicky effects I can think of. the lack of it has been an obvious visual flaw in animation since the original king kong and godzilla claymation scenes

  • my money's on the counter, under the paperweight

  • in windows, right click your sound file and go to properties. what's the file size?

  • oh yeah that works, too

    here's an example of that solution

    click me!

    that probably makes more sense to a normal person, too

    btw, I also forgot which one is topmost (highest or lowest)

  • i dont get why noobs jump to think that python is needed for something complex, they can barely do event based programming and just assume it would be easier to make a game using an even more difficult method. heck they can barely make a custom plat movement and want to make a super epic RPG, gets me so MAD!

    I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting to use script

    if you come from a coding background, the event system's logic is very foreign in the beginning, and it might seems like a helper system for newbs. This is especially true if you're used to something like GameMaker, where the visual way of doing things is very cumbersome, limited, and weak, and the scripting language is necessary for anything reasonably interesting

    so I understand why people want to jump straight to script. I was like this in the beginning actually before I understood how powerful the event system is

    that being said, python should be the last thing you learn after you understand the power of the event sheet way of doing things

    if not, you're missing out on a lot of power, and ease of use

    if you can understand how to make everything you're trying to do in events

    and then you want to use scripting anyway, that's when you should use it

    I recommend not using script, if it's because you have no idea how to do something with events.

    you really can do almost anything with them

    ask in help forums how to do something if you think it's difficult or impossible without script

  • I only found one solution

    don't worry, most things in construct are easier to do than any other game making package

    this is just one of those things

    but anyway, the solution is here:

    click me!

    look at the cap first, before reading, or this will seem even more confusing

    make a global variable to track whether any asteroid has been destroyed by the current click

    you can make a global variable by making an action to Set a global variable (under system) or a condition to check a global variables value (also under system), when it asks you which variable you want, just click "add new"

    then "on left mouse button clicked"

    set the global value to zero. Zero will mean "no", because this is a new click, and no asteroids have been destroyed yet

    then a subevent, "for each object ordered"

    • this will do all your actions, once per object, and put the objects in the order you tell it

    make it FOR EACH "asteroid" ordered by asteroid.zindex - descending -

    this makes it so the object with the highest z index (in front of other objects) goes first

    then another subevent "is global variable" zero

    so if your global variable still equals zero, it will run the actions

    the actions will be to destroy the Asteroid, and then set the global variable to 1, so when the loop goes to the next asteroid, it won't won't get past the "is global variable" zero condition, and it won't get destroyed

  • the break loop action doesn't work on "for for each objects",

    it was gonna be my solution to this thread (the second part of his question)

    could have "for each ordered by" "zorder" "descending

    but you can't break out after the first one

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