lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • given CRunObjType* pMyType,

    how can I destroy all instances of pMyType?

    assuming that no picking of any kind has been done

  • lolney@the shiva site having a 3d construct logo on the top left, in construct green at that

  • im vieweing this page from a cel phone, so i cant see your cap to answer the other questions, but making new 180 degree animations isnt necessary. just setting the height or width to a negative mirrors it, so you can set height to -1*sprite.height and it should look right going to the left:)

  • sorry guys

    I apologize for the non-beta version yet

    my power was out most of Wednesday evening, so I'm a day behind

    on a side note, if anyone knows a good source to find alot of bitmapped font sets (like the fontsheets in the original post or this:

    <img src="">

    for the initial exe demo, it would be very helpful and cool of you

    or if you just knew what these (lettering sheets) are called, cuz google images doesn't seem to agree with me on anything I've thought of so far

    here's a little eye 'candy'( ) though, so you know I'm not just slacking

    don't blame the plugin for the wrongly cutup letters though, that was my fault

    in a hurry... gotta leave for work:

    edit->edit:: k, now everything works fine in the above test exe, thanks to ashley's awesomeness

  • [quote:ll8q733i]Once that is figured out, would I have to use scripting to change the acceleration

    value of my object?

    what object?

    I thought you destroyed it?

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  • i was going to use the distort map for letters that were partially cut off by the edge of the text box as they scrolled into and out of view

    thanks for the info about the bounding boxes.

    i was asking just to make sure im following sdk conventions:),

    and as far as macros, after explaining how they worked, david told me about your and general c++ dev community's (but especially your ) opinion on macros. i don't intend to use them, intellisense seems to work much better with functions and constants than macros anyway

  • alpha build screens:

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    amazingly, i made this entire 3 character font set in the construct sprite editor in just a few seconds.

    as far as the plugin goes, the hardest part is done. the rest is just to make it more flexible and powerful.

    hopefully tommorow(thurs) night i will have the beta build for whoever wants to test it

  • I'm probably only bringing up old news, as I just downloaded 99.3

    and when I rotate sprites in the editor at

    certain angles (from sprite starting position, anything past - 45 to -180)

    it falls out of it's bounding box

    it doesn't seem to affect the runtime

    only in the editor

    <img src="">

  • thanks ash

    1. Eh, it'd be difficult, you'd need changes to the Sprite object really. What do you want to do?

    two things, first for the bitmapped text object (sprite lettering), I was hoping to let the user setup up a text box, so the text display would be limited to a rotatable box,

    like a traditional text box, if the text was longer than fit into the box it could be partially obscured or not visible, and then they could scroll text across to bring it into and out of visibility like a scrolling marquee

    the second was for my personal plugin project, I wanted to be able to setup complex distort map functions that constantly update sprites. I suppose it's possible to do with events, by having the plugin have distortion specific expressions, and then "always" - set distortion to those expressions, but that's a little messier than the way the rest of the plugin works,

    and as far as the first usage, (with the scrolling text box), that plugin is for widespread use, and I'd prefer not to make the user have to take extra steps to make the plugin do what it's supposed to.


    2. There is no "left corner". Do you mean the top left corner or bottom left corner?

    yeah, I meant to type top left


    Of the sprite box or the bounding box?

    I don't think I know the difference


    What's wrong with the code you posted anyway?

    nothing, but if there was a function that returned the topleft corner, I would rather do that

  • 1. change sprite distort map info through another plugin? given a pointer* to a sprite

    2. get top left corner of sprite through another method besides object->info.x-object->info.hotspotx, object->info.y-object->info.hotspoty?

    3.get imagepoint location?

    4.set the current animation frame?

    5. and what is hotspotangle?

  • Dude! nice!

    Okay my requests for bitmapped font (brace for wall-of-text):

    -Unicode support! I need �'s and ����� and I'm sure others will need other codes. Unicode is nicely mapped too so it's no biggie I think. Just index using UTF16 as a key.

    ok mad, or anyone who reads this first, and knows the answer

    tell me how people normally input unicode characters in game, and this shouldn't be a problem at all.

    I tried googling this, but the codes I input using the first method or two I found don't seem to correspond with the unicode characters I expect them to

    so yeah, who knows how people who give themselves all L33T names in games normally input the special unicode characters not on the keyboard.

    thanks, and btw, the actual coding has begun, I will probably post a few alpha exe's as I go along

  • thanks ash

    this didn't seem worthy of it's own thread,

    but is it possible to make a combo parameter have "|" in one of the choice names?

    for the bitmapped text, I want to include the entire ascii set as possible characters

    but since | separates the options, I think I might just have to write "or" or something

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