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  • this took me a little bit of time to figure out, too. if you go into one of the menus, i think it's options, or project

    you'll find template project properties.

    in here,

    without it right in front of me, i dont know everything for sure, but its something along these lines

    under common, there should be linker properties,

    you need to do this setting for both the release, and runtime, which can be selecgted from a dropdown list at the topbof the window

    under linker properties youll find the default path...if you just change the first part of the path after the '..'s, to construct it will go to the correct directories, or you can move it manually, but you may as well bchange it, if you plan to start amking plugijns, so you can compile over and over with no hassle

  • i think enabling rotations just allows you to change the internal value of info.angle, but it does not handle actually drawing the rotations. if you want the tiled background to actually draw rotation, you would have to alter the ExtObject::Draw function to read info.angle and draw it differently according to the angle.

  • > its because the sprites arent there until the "show text" action

    > try moving the filter action after the "show text" action in the same event


    that doesn't work either, I don't think they can be in the same event. But that's okay.

    hmmm...adding a "for each letter" sub-event works

    for whatever reason, the newly added letters are not in the picking list

    I'll have a look into automatically adding them to the picking after a show text

    should it add them in addition to all the other letter sprites ?(if no other letter sprites have been

    picked by conditions or actions, ALL of them will be picked)

    or should I make it so after a Show Text, only the sprites just created are picked?

  • I think I know why this is happening

    it'll be fixed in the next build

    it'll be a little while though, because there are some other more difficult to find bugs I'd like to iron out before releasing another version of this

    thanks for finding this

    edit: progress so far:

    first off, Arima, I only recently realized I never uploaded the new version I promised that's been ready since shortly after you requested being able to set the length, and width of a spritefont object through actions, so I apologize, it's been ready since shortly after your request months ago, I just never uploaded. Also, the cap you sent me with the glitches of sprites not appearing, and a crash bug displays correctly now and doesn't crash. either you updated the upload site, or one of the changes to construct, or one of the changes I've made to spritefont fixed it. AshyRaccoon, thank you for the caps displaying the crashes on exit. I found the source of the problem and it is fixed in the next build.

  • I understand that the whole SOL system wasn't designed for this type of thing, but still,

    I've been experimenting with SOL_MODIFYing expressions

    where you would normally choose an object param like

    Set Sprite1s Position to Object Sprite2[/code:3oxnfag5]
    you would right click the object parameter value and Use Expression
    and then MyObject.MyExpression returns a string with the name of an objecttype saved in an CRunObjType pointer
    The expression is set to be a SOL_MODIFIER
    and within the expression the SOL is modified to pick an object in a CRunObject pointer
    this works perfectly, and I can make an object position itself to a specific instance saved in the CRunObject pointer, without any prior picking
    however, if there is a condition or action that is a SOL_MODIFIER it doesn't work
    is there a way to force the current condition to reevaluate itself?
    or something like OnFrame but for Events that is called before actions are run, or after a condition is run?
    specifically one that is safe for SOL_MODIFIcation?
    is the purpose of the PARAM_CUSTOM
    to be able to use any  C++ type as a parameter by returning it a ret.ReturnCustom ?
    and would it be possible to use the array parameter if done with an expression that returns an arraytype?
  • i had a programming class or two around ten years ago, for a different language. one was for c++, but i dont think i ever even completed a semester. and a year or two ago i read about a third of a "learning c++ in 21 days book". when i started using the sdk, i didnt know what a vector was, and i had only a loose, confused understanding of how the separate files in the sdk were connecting the functions back to the main object. i thought pointers were intimidating, and didnt understand the notataion for them. and for pretty much all but the most basic things, like how to declare an integer, and how to do arithmetic, i was constantly checking websites to remember the syntax. in other words, aside from my construct sdk experience, im pretty much a newb myself. i dont use express, so i dont know about the hoops and such, but those issues aside, the sdk is an excellent learning tool, because you get a large immediate reward for learning new concepts...its a great motivator, and gives you instant ideas for practical applications of new programming far as newb questions, ashley is great with newb sdk quesstions, and for newb c++ questions that might have seemed like sdk questions, linkman, and aeal, and i will be glad to help, if the rest of the info on the net doesnt get the job done

  • ill give more detail later, and theres info on this sprinkled around the boards and in that "list of picking problems" thread.

    for now, give me a list of any types of family, group, picking, or math additions you'd like to see in construct.

    ill give more details later but for now

    the planned features are arrays of objects

    where you can access an object by index

    custom objects which are customized combinations of variables, objects, object arrays, and/or other custom objects

    object variables, where you can give a name to a slot, and put an object type in or an object instance in that slot

    name based picking and destroying of objects

    math integrated with objects, so you can set an objects position to be lerp of two other objects

    stack and queue functionality for all in object arays

    as far as math so far, i have random with seed

    and catmull-rom interpolation which nakes snooth curves that pass through all give points

    any more suggestions...nows the time

  • oh wow

    just finally got a chance to try it

    very simple

    works perfect

    thanks ash

    construct rocks!

  • Hello again. I've found a nice, free tool for converting a Truetype font to a bitmap font (it doesnt support alpha, but I then quickly convert it to an alpha blended font in photoshop so that doesnt bother me) It's called Codehead's Bitmap font generator.

    However, I need to know an easy way to set each font character's spacing based on the with of that actual frame. I hope I dont have to manually select and type in the width of every last character

    I tried to use a loop to do it but there doesnt seem to be a way to select the letter character in the font by any means other than the drop down selector. Can't we select them in sequential order numerically some how?


    i thought i had responded to this one, so sorry about the super late reply,

    the font width is set automatically to the width of the frame

    so if youre saying that you dont want the plugin to do any spacing and you just want the spacing to be built into the actual frames with transparent areas or something, then just set the spacing for all to 0

  • keep a lookout for my next plugin

    i dont want get too much into it, because its still a ways off, but its made for stuff like this,

    name based picking

    being able to place an object or a group objects in a named slot for later picking


    -on collision with- "enemyguy"

    ---------place- "enemyguy" in "doomed"

    and later

    -pick- "doomed"

    arrays of objects

    expression based object picking

    lots of crap, but im developing it slowly over time so...its not gonna be next week or anything

  • so, does this mean it is possible, assuming i'm willing to check for each param_types, and for the null termination param?

    if so, where would i set the enable undefined expressions flag, and how do i check what the name of the expression they used is?

    my only alternative is to have them put in multiple params by making them input an array by just making a string of the array, like myfunction("this,that,34,21,theother") and then deconstructing the string into substrings checking for numerical values, and converting them.

    in other words, a big pain. if theres a way to get the undefined thing to work, regardless of how annoying it is, i'd prefer that over the string deconstruction thing

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  • he means destroy by name

    or pick by name

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