I understand that the whole SOL system wasn't designed for this type of thing, but still,
I've been experimenting with SOL_MODIFYing expressions
where you would normally choose an object param like
Set Sprite1s Position to Object Sprite2[/code:3oxnfag5]
you would right click the object parameter value and Use Expression
and then MyObject.MyExpression returns a string with the name of an objecttype saved in an CRunObjType pointer
The expression is set to be a SOL_MODIFIER
and within the expression the SOL is modified to pick an object in a CRunObject pointer
this works perfectly, and I can make an object position itself to a specific instance saved in the CRunObject pointer, without any prior picking
however, if there is a condition or action that is a SOL_MODIFIER it doesn't work
is there a way to force the current condition to reevaluate itself?
or something like OnFrame but for Events that is called before actions are run, or after a condition is run?
specifically one that is safe for SOL_MODIFIcation?
is the purpose of the PARAM_CUSTOM
to be able to use any C++ type as a parameter by returning it a ret.ReturnCustom ?
and would it be possible to use the array parameter if done with an expression that returns an arraytype?