lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • I think even just allowing assistance with the plugins currently on the cvs might be helpful.

  • I have an idea I'd like to propose to Ashley, David, Rich, and all the third party plugin developers.

    I believe it would benefit the developers, and the scirra community as whole, if there was a way for a community member to contribute to the development of construct more directly. An agreed upon method of submitting bugfixes, which can later be reviewed by the devs and utilized as is, edited, or at the very least, used to find the source of a bug.

    There can be minimum guidelines for commenting, and of course for the methods of submission.

    Any contributions would be submitted with no implied promise of either an acceleration in development, or a response from the developers.

    Shviller recently posted a fix to 3d box, and I've found the source of many of the bugs in the 360 plugin, and implemented fixes in the custom controls plugin. It wouldn't surprise me if there are other such unofficial bugfixes.

    I think we could lighten the load considerably for the developers, at a time when most of the road to 1.0 is bugfixes. There's a growing number of talented c++ devs in our midst, and I think we can offload alot of the gruntwork.

    Anyone's thoughts are appreciated.

  • there is a system expression that returns the x position of the left edge of the screen, and top edge.

    im not at my pc, so i cant give you the exact name of it, but if any sprite is less than that, set x position to left edge

    if greater than screenleft+screenwidth, set position to screenleft+screenwidth

    and likewise with y and the top of the screen

  • I'm not a fan of any of these artists

    but this is some of the best impressions I've ever heard anyone do:

  • the difference in pin and quicklaunch is that when pinning, it doesn't take up any extra space

    firefox, steam, itunes, and paint are open, the only difference is that there is a square around the one's that are open, if I right click, I can open the program with recently opened documents, for instance, I can right click construct, and open it with the last 5 caps

    also, by hovering the mouse over an open item on the bar, you can preview the window, to see what's going on, like how an install is going, etc.

    if that's too small,move your mouse over the preview, all other windows become transparent temporarily, and you can see the full window, click at this point, and this is the new active window.

    the bottom right little rectangle, closes all windows and shows desktop,

    click it again to restore the same windows

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Running Windows 7 x64 now. Its awesome.

    same here

    super stable, and silky smooth

    and the drag-a-window against the side of the screen side by side view is so useful it's ridiculous

  • hey everyone

    thanks for the patience.

    the next tutorial should be here by the middle of next week. i hadnt intended it to take so long. but as i make these tutorials i discover features it should have and add them.

    anywho, julmust, it is completely possible that i just put the wrong string there, but it looks like youre adding the object to an objecttype array. there is a separate action to add an object or a type

  • here's an example of two things you can do:

    once you get the spritefont plugin to pick them, you can just do anything to the sprites you want

  • you could do "for each word"

    ---- if 'current word' is equal to "important"

    ---------set lettersprite tint to red

  • I think I know what you're saying

    but that's not so much an issue with the plugin as it is with the way construct works in general

    if I'm understanding you correctly

    you can't affect the state of an object before it's creation in any case

    for instance

    if there are no sprites on screen

    you can't say, set sprite tint to red

    system: spawn sprite

    the sprite won't be red, because the tint action doesn't apply to the type

    just to the instances already present

    if you wanted to change the tint of everything without a for each

    you could just call the action after the sprites were created

    but it would apply to all the letter sprites regardless of which spritefont created it

  • not saying you shouldn't do it, but since you're trying to get a feel for what people will use. personally the no selling thing would be a dealbreaker for me.

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