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  • i have a question, how does the plug operate exactly, what would the actions, conditions, etc be?

    Right now the actions are "add ink"(smoke)(x index,y index, ink amount)

    And set velocity. (X index, y index, x component, y component)

    Set vorticity (the swirliness of the smoke, for instance the fire had a higher vorticity than the smoke)

    Set velocity advection. Advection is the preservation of a property as it moves through the fluid, so a higher velocity advection, the current wouldn't slow down as much as it moved through the fluid

    I will add the actions to set heat, pressure, amd ink advection

    I think its also possible to set the heat and pressure values at an index like you can with velocity

    Oh yeah, and anything you can set adveection for you can set diffusion for which is the tendency to dissapate

    Expressions are to get ink,velocity and later I think heat pressure for a given grid index

    Right now I'm doing the math to translate grid coords back and forth to screen coords in the cap, but it makes sense to have that done automatically, so ill build it into the plugin

    [quote:4b9vg3ll]also i have some questions about how it runs, does it constantly use the same overhead no matter the amount of fluid, i assume it constantly processes a set space parsed into a grid or, does take more to do more?

    think it does use more processing power with more ink, because in an empty space it only needs to calculate, the velocity and not any ink advection, but I don't think more and more ink slows it down even more, I think any ink present in any given grid coord adds the cpu time, but after there's some ink there, more ink doesn't slow it down more, of course, it could be the way I was applying it visually, ill let you know more as I figure it out

    [quote:4b9vg3ll]aaaand can it interact with solids/moving solids?

    I sure hope so. Its not built in to the library, but I think I maybe able to use the wall hitting functions to be able to add obstacles, even if they can't be at an angle for now...ill let you know if it works

    EDIT: oh yeah, almost forgot, I want to add a for each loop for eachloop index, with parameters for greater than values you can set for ink, velocity, etc

    Almost any implentation I can think of involves a nested loop for 0 thru gridsize x, for 0 thru gridsize y, and sometimes if ink at loopindex("x"),loopindex("y") is greater than whatever do this

    So ill have expressions for ink at loopindex, velocity, etc,and the conditional for each loopindex thing will make it very simple

    Also before I stated it has the action to set ink and velocity at index, I think it should be for screen coordinates or indexes

    And finally I forgot to say, an action to set the size of the grid

    All the grids in these demos have been 50x50 visually, though all except for this last post with the smooth and retro versions have been calculated at 100x100 size, just for speed testing purposes

  • found a cleaner way to visualize, it runs faster, and looks better than the mesh method

    no pixelation at all, just pure silkiness.

    also in this demo, right mouse button erases smoke

    (save it into the same directory with the dll's from the other demos

    it's a canvas, and one soft circle sprite that pastes itself at the different spots in the grid after adjusting size, opacity, and color according to the thickness of the smoke

    I'll try to release the beta of the plugin this weekend, a little too much overtime at work at the moment. just want to add the auto cpu core detection, and some auto math functionality to make it so there's no math required to translate between layout and fluid coordinates.

    and for you retro folk:

  • the framework Construct provides will greatly speed development versus strictly using a programming language. If you need more flexibility you can access the benefits of a written programming language (Python) by developing plug-ins.

    slight correction

    you can use python in your games for scripting, which allows you to add functionality not built into construct, like creating complex data structures, or importing directx control, these can be in your cap file alongside your events. the speed of python commands is about equal to those of actions and conditions from what I can tell.

    developing plugins is done with c++, and allows you to create new object types (sprite, and xaudio2 are examples of objects), and it also allows you to create behaviors(such as physics, or platform).

    It's c++, so the sky's the limit, and of course it runs very fast.

    that's not to say that construct events are slow, or that you need python to make even a complex game. See anything made by quazi for proof that scripting is not needed to make something very custom tailored to your own needs that runs fast with only events.

  • I've only messed around with window resizing in one project

    but from what I can tell, the best solution is to have your game start at the very max resolution you will want it to be at

    then immediately switch to the starting resolution

    then when you switch resolutions it won't pixelate or blur

  • whoa.

    I'm about to go to work so I didn't have a chance to see how it works

    but that's badass rojo, like ridiculously so

    I thought I had heard the image manip object was superslow

    perhaps not


    made with latest version

    each always event shows a possible method

  • I have no idea what you mean by clicking the object in the lower part of the screen but

    the way that you stick something to it is action

    Set Object To Another Object's Position

    and there is an option for an imagepoint there, and you either type the number or name of the imagepoint after choosing the object

    the way you refer to the coordinates in any case where you can type an expression is

    objectname.Imagepointx("imagepointname") (or the number without quotes)

    and objectpoint.imagepointy("imagepointname")

  • I disagree about a chess game being really hard

    I think it would pretty simple actually

    Except for the AI, that would be hard

    I don't think there's been a chess game yet

    But I loved archon back in the c64 and amiga days, and had considered making a similar game myself for construct or android.

    I think you're thinking about the learning process the wrong way, though

    A burden?

    All the masterful masters of mastery on scirra that I can think of went through a period of asking questions all the time, occasionally simple noob questions, some more insightful.

    It is possible you're right and you just don't have the knack for understanding programming logic, but being from a board game design background I think you might have it in you, since you probably used to thinking in a step by step, rule based way about games. Start trying stuff and you'll probably have that Eureka! moment where it all starts to click. Do the ghost shooter tutorial

    Start a tic tac toe game, and if two seconds in you realize you don't know how to make an x appear where you click, then great, you have your first question. Good luck

    And just curious, you have an interesting name, may I ask which language/gender jurica is?

  • or give each one a private variable called "direction"

    Make one equal 1

    And one equal -1

    When you choose the xspeed to move

    Multiply it by direction

  • -player-is overlapping wall

    ---system compare--countmatching("wall") equal to 2


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  • Interesting

    Also, I think the developer might be this guy:

  • Wow... that is very nice! I'd say multicore is an essential feature, otherwise you simply won't get the performance out of it, and quad cores are becoming more common, so a 4x speedup would be great. The resolution is a bit blocky, but the blur covers it up really nicely.

    Also, why hijack a sprite mesh? If you're using set distort map actions in the event sheet editor, that's going to hammer the performance unnecessarily. Why not have your plugin draw the mesh itself?

    I got the multicore working, I juust need to add the code to autodetect the number of cores

    As far as the distort mesh, I meant you could just set a sprite to apply it to like a behavior and it would do it behind the scenes without actions in the event editor. As far as why I don't do it myself. The only way id know how is to copy paste all the sprite code,

    Which I guess could work, but it'd still be cool for plugs to be able to hijack meshes, not just for this plugin. it would work well with davos ribbon plugin, for example

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