Window resizing not working as expected

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  • Hi guys,

    I have this game that has a Window Width and Height of 800px. I want to be able to change the window size to 600x600 and 1000x1000 at the click of a button.

    I tried using the Window object and "set size" to 600x600. Unfortunately, the output showed pixelation and scraggy edges. I searched the forums and some said to changed the Sampling to point and text rendering to aliased, but still no luck.

    How can I change the window without pixelation? Thanks!

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  • I've only messed around with window resizing in one project

    but from what I can tell, the best solution is to have your game start at the very max resolution you will want it to be at

    then immediately switch to the starting resolution

    then when you switch resolutions it won't pixelate or blur

  • I still recommend using "Set display size" (because of some unsuspected behaviors of the window object).

  • I've only messed around with window resizing in one project

    but from what I can tell, the best solution is to have your game start at the very max resolution you will want it to be at

    then immediately switch to the starting resolution

    then when you switch resolutions it won't pixelate or blur

    Oh yeah, that could help. Unfortunately, my art assets are already fixed. If I don't find an alternative solution I might do this. Thanks lucid!

    I still recommend using "Set display size" (because of some unsuspected behaviors of the window object).

    Hi tulamide, I've tried that when I read it before but it wasn't working. Particularly the zooming. Might try it again, and see what would happen.

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