lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • I think it?s impossible to compare CC and C2, CC uses Phyton and C2 uses HTML5, it?s a huge diference.

    just for clarification, although you can script with python in cc, plugins are made in c++ and caps are compiled to cc's own exe format for events that run the plugins' c++ code, so it's much faster than pure python

    and from what I understand c2 is similar except except it's html5 events running javascript plugins?

    but yeah, for now cc is much much faster, but html5 brings great possibilities. personally I'm working on a project that will combine the two. like a character editor online(c2) that can save characters you can load in your exe game(cc)

  • yeah I read that wrong, I thought he said no one working ON cc, not working IN cc

  • ashley just fixed a major runtime problem in cc. I'm a little busy with my current project, but I have some minor sdk tweaks I hope to commit sometime in the next month or so. other than that not sure what if anything has been going on with cc development. think everyone might just be a little busy at the moment. and by everyone i mean rojo and tulamide

  • holy crap it looks worse than I remember, but still, though, that game is nothing but awesome fun memories, so this game reminding me of it is nothing but positive:

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • yeah

    looks awesome

    don't have time to download and try at the moment

    but reminds me of Firepower for the Amiga

  • I'd say sell your games. Look at Notch, for example. But oh well, what do I know? :S

    EDIT: Distributing the game as freeware and using microtransactions is also a neat idea.

    Yeah, that's definitely the plan. Im also pretty much counting on success in that department, but just in case I can't cut it in the business end of things, all that hard work will at least amount to the most badass demo reel imaginable, and always good to have a backup plan. Just because im putting all my eggs in one basket, don't want to count my chickens beforr they hatch, too.

    And any other chicken related cliches

  • Thanks for your reply.

    yeah, school is not an option at all at this point in my life, so its either sell my own games or try the hard route

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  • haven't updated this since I switched to fiber optic

  • Welcome to Scirra.

    I have a general question about the industry. If someone has little to no schooling, but has a superimpressive demo as their resume', basically, would they have a chance at getting an entry-level position somewhere? If not, what if they have a reasonably successful indie title shipped?    Basically, is it possible to get a job in the industry without a degree?

  • awesome job, man

    I love stuff like this

  • lucid wrote:<font size="2">

    i say green.

    it's not really a fair comparison with those images, because the blue all matches, and the green has blue scirra lettering, and also the minty background is very blueish, while the blue theme is completely cohesive, here's a comparison on more even footing:(maybe the background should be grey, on the green, too?)

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />


    I do think blue looks more professional. but I don't think it needs to look more professional. scirra is not going to appeal to larger corporations until down the line. scirra needs to be cool, fun, and powerful. not cold, corporate, and calculated </font>

    <font size="2"> I like lucid's all-green theme better than the all-blue one. Right now the site is mainly green, but with bits of blue. That's my main worry about the blue one - it's good, but it does look very corporate and serious. The blue one seems very "technical documentation for Microsoft Office", whereas green is more fun and lively. I'm still being outvoted though :)</font>

    maybe we can get the alternate green on the OP?

  • i say green.

    it's not really a fair comparison with those images, because the blue all matches, and the green has blue scirra lettering, and also the minty background is very blueish, while the blue theme is completely cohesive, here's a comparison on more even footing:(maybe the background should be grey, on the green, too?)

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />


    I do think blue looks more professional. but I don't think it needs to look more professional. scirra is not going to appeal to larger corporations until down the line. scirra needs to be cool, fun, and powerful. not cold, corporate, and calculated

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Member since 16 Jan, 2009

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