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  • Zoom in like in musltimedia fusion, if that is faster than resizing?

    So instead of evet like that:


    object.sizey = object.sizex

    It would be a animation with a user chosen number of frames?

    added this feature to the math plugin, btw:

  • see previous post for yesterdays updates

    • added the ability to set the current value, of interpolated values, which will create the value if it doesn't exist.
    • you can now access values like this: math.yourvaluename and you have not yet created the value, it will return 0
    • if you do it like this: math.yourvaluename(somedefaultvalue) and you have not yet created the value, it will return your default value
    • added the ability to change the total time for the interpolation on the fly, as well as the time elapsed, and interpolation curve control point

    special thanks to Somebody and FrenchYann for suggestions and testing

    (latest update (9-11-11   10:30am:additional bug fixes)

  • edit: changed times of interp to milliseconds and fixed something else

    hi guys, big update. For those of you who could just never get the whole moving things with lerp thing, or for those who get sick of typing in the events, Math now has actions to autointerpolate over time. there are two different methods.

    the first is to create a value for interpolate, that you can retrieve from expressions.

    The second is to interpolate object positions,rotations,and dimensions automatically over a given time. like being able to order an object to a location. there are also triggered conditions for when interpolation completes, and actions to pause and resume interpolation. using the automated interpolated value actions and expressions, you could automate anything like pv's, opacity, and color.

    also, the interpolation allows you to set a speed curve control point anything from 0 to 1, 0 is ease in, 0.5 is linear, and 1 is ease out.

    hope it comes in handy, have fun!!!edited><editID>lucid</editID><editDate>2011-09-11 13:09:36</editDate></edited>

  • fixed a small bug in autointerpolation where it would stop one step short of completing movements. if you downloaded before I posted this. please redownload

    EDIT: and another small bug, redownload again, if you downloaded before this edit

  • hi guys, big update. For those of you who could just never get the whole moving things with lerp thing, or for those who get sick of typing in the events, Math now has actions to autointerpolate over time. there are two different methods.

    the first is to create a value for interpolate, that you can retrieve from expressions.

    The second is to interpolate object positions,rotations,and dimensions automatically over a given time. like being able to order an object to a location. there are also triggered conditions for when interpolation completes, and actions to pause and resume interpolation. using the automated interpolated value actions and expressions, you could automate anything like pv's, opacity, and color.

    also, the interpolation allows you to set a speed curve control point anything from 0 to 1, 0 is ease in, 0.5 is linear, and 1 is ease out.

    hope it comes in handy, have fun!!!

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  • Looks awesome aritz

  • > Think also about multi-lingual plugins, they would also require a language file.

    > Instead of declaring parameters and actions/conditions/expressions with one string for name/help notice, etc..., you would declare an array of strings refering to the language file.

    > If C2 is set to a language, but the string for that language doesn't exist in the plugin's files, switch to default engish.

    Plugins are easier since they're open source, I know it's not an elegant solution, but if people really needed a plugin translated and multi-lingual plugins aren't implemented, they could just edit the source.

    Not all plugins will be opensource though. 3rd party plugins, especially commercial ones...I like the idea of having a languagable plugin format

  • interesting idea actually.

    Maybe also with angle and position as well

    EDIT: or on second thought, maybe not. don't want to clutter up the actions with niche stuff. Could be a good idea for a separate behavior, or an addition to the math plugin. I'll try to work this into the math plug in the near future. feel free to remind me in the math plugin thread. of course that feature could be used on spriter as well

  • If you don't know what Spriter is, check this thread:

    The construct classic Spriter plugin is in the final phases of development.

    As of now, you can expect the spriter plug to behave very much like the standard sprite plugin(minus skew, and distort). You'll be able to stretch, angle, position, play animations, change frames, or play speed, etc, or put behaviors on them.   Spriter allows the creation of per frame collision boxes. And these will be separate SpriterCollisionBox objects that are automatically managed, you just test collisions against them when you need to, and they contain all the relvant information about their name, the Spriter object they're a part of, etc.   

    So what would you like to see besides what we have. The first suggestions I've received are the ability to add tweening, and the ability to take control of a spriter character part in construct, and move it around to make an ik arm, for instance. Both of these features will be added, but id like to see what's most wanted or needed, and prioritize accordingly.

    Expect to see the first demo in the coming weeks.

  • Thanks tulamide. Yeah extending collisions.cpp is not an option, its a very specific use I need, and besides, the whole point is to make the collisions work in regular events such as the on collision event of another object.

    I ended up making a separate collision box plugin that will be created and destroyed by the original plug I was asking about, basically it needed multiple separate collision boxes. So itll track the boxes, and they can communicate back whatever relevant info is needed. It also makes for more readable events than it would have if I had to figure out how to make a single on collision event, and then separate conditions to deduce which box

  • I really haven't figured much out about the way collision detection works,

    and it seems to be handled most by runtime functions, is there a way to define custom collision behavior for a certain object, as a bare bones example, let's say i want any point collision queries that fall between


    and x=10,y=10

    I want that to register as a collision, but anywhere else I don't, assuming some other object is checking for collision with this one, or vice versa

    is this possible to define that as an object specific collision behavior, or is there no way to do that?

  • I didn't know such plugin exists. I copied the file over original and now I get runetime error.

    i think I accidentally swapped links, this is the runtime one:

    (goes in \plugins\runtime

    and this is the regular one in case you copied over it:

    (goes in \plugins\)

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