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  • The integrated event style is how I've been going about it, but I do feel like sometimes it creates more complexity.

    Thank you, sir

  • I'd like to use math functions. i.e. math.distance(...).

    Is there any way to access system expressions in scripts, or has anyone found a work-around?

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  • Ashley

    I appreciate the feedback! That's understandable.

    Would it be feasible to take baby steps and document the bare essentials for object picking?



    To be more specific, the methods that I'd request in order to enable the development of my addon:

    • ObjectClass.GetCurrentSol()
    • SolStack.SetSinglePicked(...)
    • SolStack.SetArrayPicked(...)

  • Ashley

    I know Scirra is a small team and you probably are getting a ton of messages each day, but I'm hoping to grab to your attention again.

    Any thoughts on this?

  • Hey, Mikal.

    I dont think that there is a documented way to do this right now.

    The addon sdk is still a bit limited. If you need additional functionality, you should request it.

    Unfortunately, the scirra team is small and sometimes slow to respond.

  • Ashley

    Are you willing to add official, documented support for the SOL object and object picking to the Addon SDK?

    Why I'd like to have the SOL API:

    As a POC, I wrote a plugin to allow family objects to pick other family objects/siblings that may exist in in the object's container using the following methods.

    • [Family object] Pick first sibling [Object type/Family type]
    • [Family object] Pick all siblings [Object type/ Family type]
    • I could easily add more useful conditions, but these are all I needed for my game.

    It enables further abstraction of objects, allows event re-use and is extremely useful for keeping event sheets maintainable by combining the power of containers and families.

    BUT, it relies on the undocumented SOL object and picking methods, so I cant use it as I'd be risking breaking my game if the API changes, which I doubt will actually happen as the SOL object and methods are used heavily throughout official plugins.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

  • My team wouldn't appreciate me sharing our project file. And I'd rather write up a tutorial than create a template project.

    For now, Just remember that its entirely an illusion, the jumping and platforming I mean.

    You have to do some "tricks" that make it appear that this kind of perspective is on all three x, y, and z axes.

    Creating a mental model is made a lot easier with the method I've described above.

    Shadows are x axis, when moved left and right.

    Shadows are z axis, when moved up and down.

    The sprite object casting the shadow is used to convey the y axis, when moved up and down.

  • I also working on something similar. More of a hack n slash but from the same perspective of a beat em up.

    The way that I have handled this is composite objects.

    Moving characters, like the player and enemies, are made of two objects: their shadow, and their sprite.

    The shadow is what the player/AI is controlling. Up, down, left and right.

    The shadow is the characters solid collision object, and the sprite is the non solid hit box object.

    The sprites position is updated at the end of every frame to match the change in movement of the shadow. (Pinning doesnt work, you'll see why)

    When "jumping", I use a tween to move the Sprite object in a jumping manner. This works great because I use the shadows Y position as the "ZDepth", which tells the sprite where to "land", or "what is ground". (If using the pin behavior, then the sprites x and y cannot be changed)

    I'm about to be implementing the pseudo platforming and was thinking that I can use raycasts.

    The idea is that when the player is jumping, I can raycast down from the players feet. If that raycast intersects a "platform object" that matches the "z depth" of the shadow, then I can just move the shadow "on top" of the platform object, and then the Sprite will use that newly updated position as the "where to land".

    It still needs some thought, because you will also need to handle falling off platforms and such, but that's where I'm at right now.

    Hope this helps or inspires other ideas!

  • Construct typically logs detailed error messages in the browser's console. That'll be worth checking out as it can provide more information about the issue.

  • You could probably do this using clamp(...).

    Assuming that you were to use MoveTo in order to move your sprites.

    MoveTo ->

    X -> clamp(valueToClampX, invisibleSpriteLeftEdge, invisibleSpriteRightEdge)

    Y -> clamp(valueToClampY, invisibleSpriteTopEdge, invisibleSpriteBottomEdge)

    This will just limit the x and y values to inside of your invisible box.

    Hey Ashley.

    With experimental features enabled, should the file system access be working for chrome-android as well?

    It appears that the API is compatible. Unless I'm missing something.

    - Stephen

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