Straskal's Recent Forum Activity

  • It would be awesome to have this functionality built into the engine. It might worth adding to the suggestions site.

    Visible pathfinding would be great. I'd have to inspect what's happening under the hood with that behavior since it's not documented. I'd normally stay away from that, but since this plugin isnt meant to production use, I dont feel as risky.

  • It depends on the "Cone of view" setting.

    Having said that, you just made me realize that this LOS drawing doesn't work for cones with an angle greater than 180 degrees! Im going to have to fix that.


    You're right! I'm going to work on that today.

  • As you can see, the most recent upload and newest version doesn't get set to current.


  • Thank you!

    Lol it is what made me realize that my enemies LOS is originating from their feet!

  • New release

    • Added tilemap collision polygon rendering
  • Hi everyone!

    In order to aid in the development of my game, I wrote a plugin that enables visual debugging during runtime.

    Currently, it draws:

    • Sprite bounding boxes
    • Sprite collision polygons
    • Tilemap bounding boxes
    • Lines of sight

    Here are a few snapshots

    I consider it to be in beta right now. I'm sure it could use a few bits of optimization here and there, but it's really only intended for development, and not exported games.

    I plan to add a few more features to it as I need them.

    Please let me know if it's useful to you, and any feedback is welcome. And if you need additional features, please reach out!

  • Didnt realize that those links were just screenshots.

    Yeah that's valid JS. Seems like an issue. Might want to file a bug, like you had initially mentioned.

  • Not at a computer right now, but I understand what you're saying.

    That's a good question! Construct probably still treats those functions like it would any other.

    It would be pretty neat to support this though.

  • If I'm understanding correctly, you have a js file with functions. Inside of those functions, you're calling art return value?

    I'm guessing that's not allowed because construct cannot know that you only plan to use those functions wrapped in function events.

    Could you return values from your js functions, and then use inline event block js to call set return value, using the returned value from you js function?

  • Dang! It's okay. Not an issue. Thanks again for the awesome theme!

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  • Had to make a new post since image uploads aren't working for replies

    Hey there luckyrawatlucky! Per your request, here is an image describing the styling issue.

    The last set of inherited variables is missing a divider that helps distinguish it from the other instance variables.

    In this image, the last inherited variable, from 'Object', is PositionUID. All variables underneath PositionUID are not inherited from 'Object'.


  • Hey there! Per your request, here is an image describing the styling issue.

    The last set of inherited variables is missing a divider that helps distinguish it from the other instance variables.

    In this image, the last inherited variable, from 'Object', is PositionUID. All variables underneath PositionUID are not inherited from 'Object'.


    I cannot get the image upload to work...


    Created a new post with issue

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Member since 20 Feb, 2015

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