elfwy's Recent Forum Activity

  • I have multiple JSON objects with shared and optional keys. I need to combine all this objects in one so all nested values would be merged (in case of an array/object) or rewritten (for primitives). Is there a way to do this avoiding loops, like we have Array.prototype.concat() in js?

    Seems like this does not solve my problem. Set JSON overwrites all values just like Parse does.

  • So if anybody still uses this plugin, here's a fix for tag-text-image appearing incorrectly after export (In preview mode we have all sprites each in a seperate file, but after export we get sprite-sheets)

    And it always showed us a whole sprite sheet image, when a single frame expected.

    Download fixed version (Google drive)

    Or change runtime.js code by yourself:

    Line 1316 (change ctx.drawImage line to make it look like)

    ctx.drawImage(img.img, img.offx, img.offy, img.frame_width, img.frame_height, startX, y, img.width, img.height);

    Line 2189 (To make object look like this)

    this.images[name] = {
    	img: img,
    	offx: inst.curFrame.offx,
    	offy: inst.curFrame.offy,
    	frame_width: inst.curFrame.width,
    	frame_height: inst.curFrame.height,
    	width: inst.width,
    	height: inst.height,
    	yoffset: yoffset_	
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  • Could you share us with your code?

  • Don't think it makes sense. As I said I tried multiple variants of pictures. But ok here is the image

    edit: I've just uploaded the same picture and it worked. Didn't change anything..

  • SecondDimension

    Can't see your avatar as well.

    Seems like the problem is on the server

  • insanesnake

    Doing the same here. Would you like to co-operate for a case of we need any help?

  • Ashley

    Well, i'm not a creator of this topic, he doesn't reply for some reason. But even with both updated Android System Webview and Chrome in Google play, it shows Chrome 37. I was searching in google how to update it and it looks like I can't without root.

    And still. It works without checking RTCDataChannel. I see only one decision of this problem - just remove it, since my app is made for Cordova, not Firefox or Edge. What do you think?

    I also can't say "Your chrome version is outdated. Go and update it, and then use this app" to my users. By statisctics there's a lot of users of Andrdoid 4.4 in my country. Probably they all using webview version <2014

  • Ashley

    Ok then, in the app it says.

    Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0; Micromax AQ5001 Build/LRX21M) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36

  • Ashley

    I'm not sure if it's the same, but there's also some chrome version indicated.

    You said, it works ok on all up-to-date systems. Buuut.. Let's say not all users are up-to-date. For example, I can't do anything with my system. It's partially outdated. No android updates, no fixes and nothing is available for me to up-to-date my phone. I'm sure a big part of players are in the same situation. So it'd be really better if we had only one limitation - 4.1+ for Crosswalk and 5.0+ for WebView as it was earlier.

  • Ashley

    I don't get where I can check my WebView version. And I don't get why Firefox and edge affects on cordova support checking. May be it should detect if device supports RTCDataChannel only if the user is not on Cordova platform? Because it looks like Multiplayer works fine without RTCDataChannel.

    And even if webview on some devices aren't up-to-date, we are not able to change it for users. At least I think so

  • Ashley

    I was searching for any changes in multiplayer plugin and noticed that there were one in r253. I compared two files of c2mp.js and found that there were a change in "Is supported" registration. So if we remove this part of code, it will work ok. Maybe RTCDataChannel is not supported on some devices?

  • Also have this problem. Made a post one week ago

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