elfwy's Recent Forum Activity

  • and you can make touching/touch triggers with 3D models?

  • QuaziGNRLnose, how can i set material at object without an id? because if i create object with single plugin, then i wont get id

  • Sorry, it does not support nest classes. A segment of text only could put one class.

    sometimes "<" maybe not be, and code not reading, can you fix it?

  • rex, 2 classes dont working, work only the class, which is located inside second class, which is located outside text and first class

  • rex, i've encountered with a problem, this plugin good work with scirra text, but not work with you TagText plugin

    screen:http://dl1.joxi.net/drive/0008/0341/561493/150210/2fb3fb891e.png and in this screen you can see, what all actions with text and TagText the same, but work only scirra text, i hope you understand me, because my english very low

  • were this effect?not displayed

  • Blank project not have any bugs, but my project not working

  • can i send .capx you in pm? because .capx content 500+ events...

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  • Problem Description

    When i start preview, system crashed

    Attach a Capx

    This bug in all my capx's

    Description of Capx

    No capx, no description

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Physics engine: All
    • Click on preview button
    • Its all...

    Observed Result

    in node-webkit, game just close

    Expected Result

    Working game

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Last in this moment (196)

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Member since 28 Nov, 2014

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