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  • Before i buy this plugin i would like to knw o if its working under intel xdk for android devices, from construct 2 i export with cordova, then in intel xdk i build a crosswalk android.

    also i would like to know if you hae tutorials about how to use this plugin.

    I would also like to know this!

  • No one used facebook in their app? That's strange

  • Ok, i have added Facebook object to my app and i have created facebook app in order to get AppID, which i have entered in Facebook object in construct. But what other settings on Facebook for Developers page of my app i have to set in order to get Facebook login and share to work? I saw Facebook tutorial on this website, but it's so outdated. I get this error when i try to login inside my app:

    Please note that i am not making Facebook app, i am trying to integrate facebook functions inside my Android app.

  • You would have to put the weapon name in the X axis to find it with IndexOf. Otherwise you'd have to loop through the array and compare each value.

    I don't understand it, isn't it already on X axis? You think that if i switch place of "item name" and "frame number" parameter it will work? Or what i need to do in order to this work?

  • > facecjf if i understand this event sheet, you have already specified on what array slot different weapons will be and then you are just adding to this value.

    > In my game inventory is little different - let's say that player will first pick up health box, then after few minutes handgun and bullets, so health box will be on slot 1, handgun on slot 2 and bullets on slot 3. But some other player can pickup handgun first, then bullets, then health box and now order will be different. I can't expect order of pickup, so i can't put always healthbox on first place, handgun on second and so on.


    Correct. I Added a true / false value in my array. Basically it sets a value of 1 = collected or 0 = not collected. Order of items I wasn't as concerned with. With a simple event and the true / false value from the array you can display only items collected by checking the array for items with a value of 1 (collected).

    Yes, you have simpler, but effective inventory. My inventory array start empty and it's updated when player pick up item, so i can't use your method, but thanks anyway for replying

  • NIce!!! I really like your assets!

    They kinda reminds me to Kingdom Rush!

  • Have a look at the array's index expression.

    And how do i use this IndexOf expression? I saw it in the manual, but i don't understand what parameters it requires.

    EDIT: Ok i used IndexOf inside my RemoveItems function parameter, but it's returning -1 value. RemoveItems function requires two parameters, first is slot in inventory (X coordinate) and second parameter is amount of items to be removed. So function looks like this RemoveItems(arrInventory.IndexOf("9mm-bullets"), 1).

    As you can see i have "9mm-bullets" value inside array, but IndexOf is returning -1

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  • facecjf if i understand this event sheet, you have already specified on what array slot different weapons will be and then you are just adding to this value.

    In my game inventory is little different - let's say that player will first pick up health box, then after few minutes handgun and bullets, so health box will be on slot 1, handgun on slot 2 and bullets on slot 3. But some other player can pickup handgun first, then bullets, then health box and now order will be different. I can't expect order of pickup, so i can't put always healthbox on first place, handgun on second and so on.

  • Right now i am making inventory system for my game and i have some issues with it.

    I would like to get location (X,Y) of the item, based on it's value.

    My inventory array looks like this:

    Frame Number



    With frame number i am selecting picture to be shown in inventory, if amount is higher than 0. But with "Name" parameter i would like to find specific item in inventory and to increase/decrease it's amount.

    Let's say that i want to reload my gun. In game i have "Handgun" and "9mm ammo clip" items in my inventory. When player reload it's gun, one 9 mm ammo clip is removed from inventory. My problem here is how to refference this specific item in array. Right now i am adding items from inventory with function that has two parameters, number of frame to be shown and amount. When i am removing i must specify X location in array and amount to be removed.

  • Thanks! It's working!

    I thought that this angle is relative to the current value

  • I am trying to implement shotgun weapon in my game and right now it's only working when character is facing right.

    Normal weapons, like guns and rigfles are working just fine, but for some reason shotgun is not working.

  • Here is capx


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