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  • > I have 5 objects of same type on the screen. When game is started i would like, when user click on this object to increase it's size. But right now size is increased of all objects of same type. Is there any way to increase size of just that instance of touched object?


    Have you tried adding a "pick" event from System?

    I saw that but i don't know how to use it. How do i get ID of that touched object?

  • I have 5 objects of same type on the screen. When game is started i would like, when user click on this object to increase it's size. But right now size is increased of all objects of same type. Is there any way to increase size of just that instance of touched object?

  • Hello!

    I am developing photo sticker app! I made most of the app, but i have some questions/issues.

    In this app user is able to select frame and add stickers to his/her photo and then save it on the phone. App is working great in my browser on PC, but on android i am not able to select photo or use camera (i am able to do that when i am previewing my app inside Chrome browser on my phone, but not when i build it). I guess that i have to set permissions inside Intel XDK before building, but i don't know what to write inside permissions field.

    All i need is to select photo from storage or from camera, save photo on storage and post this image to Facebook. So what permissions i should write?

    Does Facebook require some Cordova plugins inside Intel XDK or some android permissions? Also is it possible to post canvas image to Facebook?

    Is it possible just to resize one object? I will have more then one sticker of same type and is it possible and how just to increase size of one, without increasing size of other? Right now if i have two stickers of the same type when i click on "Size Up" button during gameplay, all of them are resized

    CAPX: dropbox.com/s/y45pb1qyweowquk/sticker.capx?dl=0

  • scirra.com/forum/how-do-i-set-up-a-database-to-display-random-questions_t161753 How do I set up a database to display random questions?


  • I found workaround when converting Excell to JSON.

    Because strings are missing extra " i just opened Notepad and replaced every " with "", and now everything is working fine.

  • I don't know if i am doing something wrong, but when i populate table and click on SAVE and then when i try to open that table again, it's empty now.

    EDIT: I have also tried to use Excell to JSON converter, but converted data is missing extra " character. Your converter is generating "data" instead of ""data""

  • I saw this scirra.com/tutorials/1418/trivia-game/page-1 tutorial, about making trivia quiz game and i understand it quite well, but i need quiz game with multiple correct answers and i don't know how to do that. Every question will have different amount of correct answers and when user click on answers and then click on OK button, correct answers should light in green and wrong in red color, and for every correct answer user will get 1 point.

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  • Problem was with the origin point

    Thanks for help!!!

  • I dont think that problem is with groung, because i get this problem when i change character sprite, not ground sprite. When i come home i will send you capx file.

  • Here is the image of game.

    Everything works fine, until i change character, when i do that this happens (new character is same size as this original). Why is this happening?

    (I am using Construct r217)

  • Can you please reupload Construct 2 capx file?

  • Thanks LittleStain!

    That helped me a lot!

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