IPHAT's Recent Forum Activity

  • Current physics behavior doesn't support 3D objects, so I'm wondering if this is something that you developers are planning to add in the future and what are current workarounds? I mean, yeah, I can make my objects fall, but not rotate in mid air and all I want to do is a simple dice roll, just like in Slice & Dice game.

  • I have made app for android, but I can't list it on Play Store because it requires apps to be on the latest API level (31). When will Construct add support for this API level. Can i use something other else, other than C3 build service in order to build my app?

  • I'm afraid I don't think browsers provide a way to turn off antialiasing. You'd have to use a SpriteFont.

    I can't use sprite font, because only SpriteFont generator for Construct can't export SpriteFont without antialiasing. I'm using pixel graphics, so i would like my fonts to be without antialiasing.

  • Is it possible to turn off antialiasing on web fonts?

    I also tried using SpriteFont generator to generate SpriteFont, but it also generates font with antialiasing enabled and old version without AA is down. What can i do to fix this?

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  • For some reason, when i move one block of code to the beginning of Event Sheet it stops working. Is this bug or what?

    I have attached video for you to see what is the problem

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  • It also stopped working for me. Yesterday everything worked fine, but now when i open link on my phone, after 30 seconds i get Host Disconnected

  • Hello!

    I have some troubles with setting the text color of this checkbox. I have set it's ID to "chk" and as you can see in my css file i have set it's color to red, but for some reason it won't work. Even if i try RGB or Hex values it won't change text color.

    And yes, i have this css file loaded on the beginning of layout, all other css styles are loaded, except this one.

    #chk { font-family: "Roboto-Regular"; color: red; }

    On the bottom of the picture you will see this checkbox.

  • Thanks mate!!! It works now!

  • Hello!

    I have set up my php file like this:

    header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
    $latest = 2;
    $check = $_GET['ver'];
    if ($check == $latest) 
    	echo "666";
    elseif ($check < $latest) 
    	$file = fopen("database.txt", "r");
    	echo fread($file,filesize("database.txt"));
     echo "555";

    And my events are like this, but when i click on the button i get nothing, no response.

    I have checked this url with my browser and i get expected response, but for some reason it's not working inside Construct. What am i doing wrong?

  • > Thanks mate!!! That worked fantastic!

    > I didn't know that i can pick items that easily if i put them in container!

    Hi Can you share the list example. I also need it for my project.



    This is how i implemented scrollable list in my project. If you have any question, feel free to ask.

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