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  • Yeah, i'm trying to load different sequences (arrays) as JSON into one array. I managed to do this with Dictionary, i guess i can't use array for this.

  • This is how it looks now and it's not working again <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy"> I guess you can't store JSON string inside JSON string


  • Changed, this is how it looks now, but it's not working


  • I can't figure out what i'm doing wrong in this JSON string. Can you show me what i'm doing wrong?

  • And now can i check that?

    EDIT: JSON strings used in load-beats function


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  • Any thoughts?

  • I'm making some kind of music sequencer app and everything worked well so far. Sequencing and playing audio files works great, but now i want to implement saving sequence and loading it. I saved my initial beats inside array, that is loading on the beginning of layout - it's loading name of beat and JSON data for that beat. This JSON data is loaded into another array, that is storing current sequence. But for some reason this second array wont accept this JSON data. I have attached screenshots of relevant events, so if you have any idea, reply here <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy"> Thanks

    Preview for this app: http://www.djape.tk/games/sequencer/

    (this preview is not using loading function, that i mentioned above)

    EDIT: Let me just add this. Beat loading worked when Change Beat function was comparing Parameter 0, and if value is 2, then Four on the Floor beat was loaded, if value was 3, then Drum'n'Bass beat was loaded, etc. I think that problem is only with the loading from one to another array.

  • Can someone reupload this plugin?

  • Hello!

    I'm currently developing roguelike rpg game for android and i'm very satisfied with the results, but i have one question for you about conditional operator (?). In my battle engine, i'm calculating enemy hit chance based on players dexterity: game will generate random integer number between 0 and 51 and if it's less than players dexterity + 10 it will be count as hit. Ok, this works perfect, but now i have added perks to the game that is modifying some gameplay elements. Right now, perk called "Triforce" is adding +20% chance for dodge, so i'm wondering if i can implement it like this:

    player.dexterity + 10 + int(player.perk="triforce" ? int((player.dexterity + 10))/5 : 0)[/code:2sbotb0t]
  • Try this out: https://www.dropbox.com/s/a9eidnk7fwfvemc/Spotted.capx?dl=0

    This is not helpfull because i'm not using bullet for movement. I know how to make this detection and following when using this kind of movement, but in my case it somehow different

  • Tiled background is much better to use, because it loads one sprite and then repeats it. Let's say that this Tiled Background object is using 1kb sprite, so it will only use 1kb of memory, but if you use Sprite object with large sprite it will load it's whole size, let's say it's 50kb. So yes, definitely it's a memory saver!

  • I'm trying to make roguelike dungeon crawler, but i'm having some issues with enemy movement. Sometimes all enemies are triggered by this movement event, even if i'm picking enemy by using distance calculation. I also tried with Line of Sight behavior, but same thing is happening. Also i'm trying to make enemy follow, me even if i have changed my position, but they are still going to the first position, where i was a seconds ago. I think i'm very close to the desired result, but i guess i'm missing something.

    Please run this capx and you will see it. I'm using Roguelike plugin, so to open this project you must download it from here: roguelike-plugin-c2-rot-js-interface_t118452

    CAPX: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/561 ... ngeon.capx

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