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  • How can i place specific item in the last room created?

    I have tried to get center X and Y coordinate by using Roguelike.RoomCenterX(Roguelike.NumberofRooms -1) and Roguelike.RoomCenterY(Roguelike.NumberofRooms -1) variable, but item is not there.

    Is there a way to put items in specific rooms by ID? I don't want to put items in every room.

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  • I have figured out where's the problem!

    Problem was with my text file, from which i was loading data,

    When i place all my data in one line there is no problem



    2;Bart;Samurai Jack;Batman;Yogi;Batman;

    But when i place data in multiple lines there is a problem








    Samurai Jack;




    You may think why? When i'm using tokenat to get data, tokenat is loading new line with the data, so that's why text area is requiring higher height than it needs.

  • Same thing is happening even with the official spritefont plugin

    EDIT: Same thing i happening also with official Text plugin

  • I'm making this simple Trivia quiz for mobile platform, so i'm using SpriteFont, since it's less cpu intensive than normal Text plugin, but text for some reason keeps disappearing, unless i change height of the Sprite font object to the some abnormaly big value. Right now text is normaly showing at height 80, but when i add event sheet to the layout i have to increase height to 200 in order for text to be shown. Text is in one line, so i don't know why is requiring this big Height value.

    Here is capx:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/q1uexsxc88po2 ... .capx?dl=0

  • Have you tried building your app with PhoneGap?

    You just have to add AdMob plugin to the config.xml file and build it there. It always work for me

  • Pick random works perfect.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/cwylpmp7k74ab ... .capx?dl=0

    Thanks! This worked

    I had some issues with Y coordinate, i have figured out the problem, and it works now

  • You do a subsequent pick: Pick nth instance (pick 0).

    I tried like this and it's not working again

  • Hi!

    I'm using Pick by comparison event to pick object that is on lower part of the screen (in this case platform1.Y > 400), but problem is that sometimes there are two or more platform1 objects, so both are picked. Is there any way just to pick one? I need this in order to spawn my character back to the game.

    Like i said, code works if only one platform1[/b object is safisfying condition, but if there are a lot then code is not working. I tried Picking by random, but sometimes it picks platforms that are in upper part of screen and then platforms are spawned incorrectly.

  • You have to use the 1.12 version to do that. You'd have to scan the thread for the explanation.

    Thanks! It's working! But' in version 1.12 i can't add shadow to the font... Damn xD I guess i have to manualy add it in Photoshop. Why author have removed option to turn of antialiasing in newer versions?

  • Is there a way to disable anti-aliasing for font? I tried exporting some pixel fonts, but they all look ugly since anti-aliasing is enabled.

  • I made app in Construct and now i would like to build it. I have generated key for signing this app, but for some reason when i sign and build my app i only get x86 version of it, not arm-v7. Also, when i don't sign my app i get normal arm-v7 apk file, but i can't upload it on Google Play because it's not signed. I also tried signing this apk manualy and i succeeded, but it still cannot be uploaded on Google Play, because debugging is enabled.

    Build log:


  • Wow, It's been a whole year since this bug is posted and it's still not fixed (r233). Same thing is happening to me.

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