[PLUGIN] "Share" Popup Fixed (Fb, G+, Twitter etc.) V3.5

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Pack filled with intense 10 single futuristic Grenade Launcher shot sound effects.
  • I changed from that crappy free server to 000webhost.com and now Facebook Share with images is working nice (and bonus, my PHP MySql highscores are working too!) Thanks for the plugin, good job!

  • This'll solve my problems! It is bought!

    Should I be getting an e-mail automatically, or do I have to wait for the plugin creator to manually send it?

  • I purchased your plugin.. Please advise. Thanks.

  • You should add this to scirra store

  • Please can i have the files request (PHP) to remove weebe.nl from facebook share?

    dewyz81 AT google DOT com

    i have the 3.0 version. its possibile to have the last release? i need for android development.

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  • Would it be possible for someone to make a tutorial on sharing the screenshot, I can't seem to get it to work.

  • angellondon Hi any chance you could post a screenshot of your event sheet for the image sharing part also, I've never used a PHP web serverbefore where do I upload the php file? and where do you find the PHPFile and folder url for the upload image part?

    I'm so nooby at this bit any help to make a step by step for a dummy like me please?

  • I purchased the plugin this afternoon.

    Like BattleJenkins asked, should I be getting an e-mail automatically, or do I have to wait for the plugin creator to manually send it?

  • Manually

  • Hi! I just bought your plugin... do you have a tutorial?

  • Before i buy this plugin i would like to knw o if its working under intel xdk for android devices, from construct 2 i export with cordova, then in intel xdk i build a crosswalk android.

    also i would like to know if you hae tutorials about how to use this plugin.

  • There is a callback event to know if the user shared?

  • Hi i always bought the v3.5 version. But i dont have the download link anymore. Pls contact me to gave me the downloadlink for v3.6

  • Before i buy this plugin i would like to knw o if its working under intel xdk for android devices, from construct 2 i export with cordova, then in intel xdk i build a crosswalk android.

    also i would like to know if you hae tutorials about how to use this plugin.

    I would also like to know this!

  • Will author of this plugin ever be online? I payed for this week ago and i didn't get link!

    If someone have this plugin, please contact me, I will pay you to send me this plugin!

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