Here we go with a new game for Android! The name is Geometry Rage and it's downloadable for free from the play store. If possible please write a review and rate it to support us! Enjoy the game
Please can i have the files request (PHP) to remove from facebook share?
dewyz81 AT google DOT com
i have the 3.0 version. its possibile to have the last release? i need for android development.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
I Have the same problem. C2 IAP (as test mode) -> Intel XDK Crosswalk build -> upload to Android Dev as Test Alpha release -> set the in app id as the same of the c2 project -> install on my device the xdk arm build.... when i try to buy -> "Authentication is required. You need to sign into your google account".
i'm going crazy... please help me