I probably did not understand the problem because of my poor English, but since no one answered I take this opportunity to raise the issue.. may depend on with the reset global variables??
In short, I have global variable that can change from 1 to 12. This numbers defined different achievements from 1 to 12 (total 12 achievements). So when you get your target your variable Increase +1 Now if you push "achievements" button, the game will make this logic:
1-Login check; 2-Submit achievement id (depend on what number from 1 to 12); 3-If id submitted successfully; 4-show achievements.
For example if you get first target your variable will rise from 0 to 1 and now you can push button and unlock new achievement in GP services. But if you get two targets before you push "achievements" button, now your variable is 2 so by submitting your id to GP you will unlock the last and only second achievement, ignoring the first one.
My little game (in alpha):
https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... vatorSpace