Can you give me some steps to reproduce the issue? Seriously, I don't know what you mean by "advanced minification" there are plenty of minifying solutions out there and I really don't know what you mean in this case.
If you gave me a few steps to reproduce the problem, I could track it down and fix it.
I'll need to read the docs about script modules, do you have a link to that?
Hi people, just made a small update in the behavior. It fixes the window is not defined error.
What do you mean by the "new C3 module"?
Can you give me some steps to reproduce the issue?
If the problem is what I think, try to make sure the Plugin is at the bottom of the layer or even on a layer beneath the other ones.
That's a bug I'm trying to figure out.
What steps are you following?
What kind of raycaster?
If you're talking about the ones used to create Fake 3D (e.g. Original Wolfenstein, old Doom), I'm not going to do that, it is complicated to translate that technique to Construct2 runtime, at least for my not so good math abilities.
But if you're talking about a more generalized concept (e.g. the used to check collisions or projectile impacts), well, that would have to wait for some time, I'm aiming to complete certain objectives before adding more 3D-aware things.
But looking at the threejs docs, it looks like they already have a Raycaster object, so, I think I'd be able to "easily" do that in the future, I'd need to think in a way to express or use it in Construct2.
I'm open to suggestions though :D
Thanks for the report, will try to fix it as soon as possible.
Alternatively, you can always fork the repo and create a pull request here:
I need to add options for texturing, antialiasing and all that. I'll start with it once I finish the current goals.
For now I'm working on writing a tutorial and a few other behaviors needed to create a more or less complete game.
Sorry for the late response, construct is not notifying me about comments... and it's been a busy week for me also.
I can see where's the error, I'm relying on the global **window** object to listen to keyboard events, it should work perfectly on most browsers, but I guess that's not guaranteed.
I haven't been able to find a recommended way to handle input in C3 (C2 relies on jQuery). I need some help that, if anyone knows of an open-source addon that uses keyboard to take as an example, I'd thank you.
Just wanted to let you know that the Github project for this plugin is ready, you can submit issues and fork the addon here:
Hi everyone, I'm currently porting this behavior to C3. It can be downloaded here:
It is in pre-alpha version, so, it might be filled with errors.
I'm on it, someone suggested me to use c3IDE and it is helping me a lot!
Versioning in C3 is a very cumbersome task (as of 2019). I've made a small tool that aims to help on that. Let me know if anyone is interested in using or working on it:
Member since 17 Oct, 2014