XpMonster's Forum Posts

  • left((Browser.ExecJS("Date()")),16)

    This will retrieve first 16 symbols from the left side of the string which will show Day of the Week, Month, Day & Year.

  • ibiz

    General performance tips apply here as well.

    How large are your Spriter files?

    Each of them will consume memory. For the same reason you don't want highest resolution images & top-quality sounds in your game, you should avoid using large Spriter files. Try to avoid creating repetetive animations & use as less bones as you can.

    How large are your bones? (awkward)

    Bones are only Sprites with images. Larger images - more memory is wasted.

    Which method of export to use?

    If you need better optimization and your bones should have from little to zero customization - use individual sprite export method. (See more on the first page of this topic)

    If you're making game for desktop/consoles or want some customization - use each bone as individual sprite. (Check videos on youtube)

    That's it -_-

    So the short answer: Yes, number of bones affects the performance.

  • Did a lot of great stuff with Spriter for last few months. It is truly the powerhouse of my project and it wouldn't be possible without you -_-

    Also important bug comeback report: Spriter freezes the project if I try to restart or change the layout. Would be amazing if you fixed that, because I can't implement Level Transition feature without it :)

  • shammis Don't recall this plugin having such feature.

    You could create one static variable that would contain scale number.

    Then change only this variable and apply it to all necessary layers.

    Use lerp() if you want it be smooth.

  • You're doing god's work, sir!

    Thank you a lot!

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  • Here is the link

  • part12studios

    Nothing big was released, some small games I've seen here and there. Did some funny stuff myself.

    It's mostly the type of plugin you want to play with, not work with.

    Plus it was abandoned & there is no conversion to Construct 3.

    My suggestion If you want to make a 3D game for mobile apps you better jump straight to Unity. It's the best engine for the platform, especially from perspective of work availability.

  • Hello! I can do the job.



    Skype: block43ken

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  • lucid

    Didn't expect it so fast! Thank you a lot!

  • Override Object Animation action makes the game freeze.