Wicked Soft's Forum Posts

  • I love your artwork nikkyoryzano. Beautiful work!

  • I do some 3D modeling also. They told me I am too fat to model. But I do it anyway

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  • I have little stuff too...

  • NOTE: I currently have a few requests I am taking care of. But I will update this post when I am free again.

    I have 25 years experience dabbling in graphic design and animation. I am seeking experience in the gaming industry, so I am willing to help just about anyone. Usually small things I can do for free. But even if you have a larger project, I am very reasonable.

    It is best before contacting me that you put together any reference images demonstrating a style or type of image you are after. Especially if you have a game in progress. That way I can match up the style, color, animations, etc in the images I create for your game. It is easy to find something similar to what you are after on Google. And it will speed up the design process if you have these ready to send with your request. Requests with the most detail and sample images will be given a higher priority.

    Send me a PM and tell me what you need. If you want to chat via Skype, text messages, or whatever - include your contact info and we can get something setup.

    Here are some examples of my work:

  • Interesting game. I would be happy to toss some design ideas around if you still need someone to do this.

  • Very cool. Can't wait to watch this one progress.

  • Trying it on my old Galaxy S3. My phone is not happy. I am on the menu screen. It is extremely laggy.

  • Just played your Captain J. Doe Saves the Universe game Chris. Lots of fun there man!

  • That is a great example. I can see what you are saying now. And looking at that example and comparing the code in the first example I think I get it now. Thank you for being patient and helpful.

  • I have a very hard time absorbing anything I read in a book unless I am following an example in the software. I have the manual open 24/7 on my PC. But it is rare that I go to it and come away with an answer to whatever problem I am facing simply because the book doesn't have a section labeled "player movement is not correct". I have followed numerous tutorials. But every time I start to make a level of my own I get stuck right away. I understand some of the logic when I see it in examples. But creating it is my problem. I wish there were someone near me that could teach me hands on. That would help me more than anything.

    I understand the coordinates all come from top-left. That is why the ViewportRight(0) threw me, because far right would be 1920. So the "0" means nothing basically? I am still a little confused. ViewportRight is telling it the far right edge of the viewport then? I was unaware the viewport is on a layer. So that is confusing me I guess.


    Oh, your english is fine

  • Thanks a lot. That helps. There are so many ways to do things in this program I never know what to do. It would be nice if someone made a tutorial on various movements and explained why to use one over the other. It's all fairly confusing to me.

    So help me understand this...

    For the viewport borders you are comparing the player's positions. "If X > ViewportRight(0)-PLAYER.Width/2-1" tells this event if the player gets within 1 pixel of touching the right side of the viewport to set the 8 direction vector X to 0 correct? I watched this in debug and it helped me understand it better. This is based off the player origin point right?

    ViewportRight(0) - I think I see what this is doing. So Viewport[direction](X) tells it to take the position from the viewport edge in the direction specified (X) pixels from that edge?

    Thanks again.

  • I couldn't figure out how to get gravity working right with the Physics behavior so I deleted it after I added the bullet behavior. If I turn the acceleration up the player changes direction too fast. So how else can I go about getting a smooth direction change and gravity and not have these problems?


  • This seems to be a simple question that I can't seem to find an answer for.

  • If I move my player to to top of the layout and continue flying upward, it takes a while for him to start falling. If I fly to the left or right edge and continue for a few seconds it takes the same amount of time flying in the reverse direction before he moves off the wall. The same goes for the floor. Initially he launches just fine. But if I let him settle for a few seconds it takes the same amount of time flying upward to get him to leave the ground. Is there a way to prevent this?

