Vilehead's Forum Posts

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    Ahh good old Newt. Helping others the only real way he knows by saying GTFO and acting as arrogant as he can

    Your whole post is one big wall of rubbish to the point where I find it pointless to even address them case-by-case. To the point I don't know if you are being serious or are you just trolling.

    No, really dude, all I ever seen you doing is being rude and offensive to other people. All those years.

    Well. What can I say. I think I had enough of you Newt. You could help. But no, no. You come in with that smarty-pants attitude of yours, knowing how to help but choosing not to.

    Okay. I believe your posts does violates some rules and netiquette so I am reporting your post and adding you to my block list, so I won't see you trashtalking ever again. I know at least 6 people on this forums who did that already. Don't be surprised when one day people will stop replying to you Newt. That'll mean that you pissed the last user and had become 100% invisible on this forum. Every thread you visit you try to turn into a flamewar.

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    So is the topic "Current Status/Practical Uses of Construct2", or "I can't export to mobile"?

    How about both. As one comes from another.

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    > > If the project is really as simple as described and performs as you say it does, you may have found an underlying engine flaw - please share the example.

    > >

    > It is simple but it is commercial. It includes 3rd party copyright material and had been developed for a 3rd party client. NDA forbidden me to share it with anybody not related to the client or me. Sorry. I can't risk getting sued. And as I said - Mac port working or not working is just a small piece of the overall problem. What about mobiles? What about IAPs? What about Ads? What about Steam API? what about the rest of my post?


    I understand what you're saying, but there isn't a client in the world that would be happy with your stated 3-5fps, so the project clearly isn't commercially viable - surely they'd allow you to share it (especially sans assets) with the engine developers if it resulted in a working end product for them?

    The rest of your post still stands, I emphasize immensely.

    Sadly, not really. You have to understand that people in suits don't care. There is no compassion or sympathy in the world of business. There is my name on the NDA. At the same time - there is my name also on a contract that I have to fulfill and I cannot - due to Construct2 exporting modules currently falling apart. The same game works flawlessly on Windows and Browsers.

    I can perhaps defend myself against lack of working Mac port and native Steam API (I will have to spend extra on that Steam Plugin from Scirra Store :\ ) but lack of a working mobile version that I can equip with at least Ads is a deal breaker.

    Many of Construct 2 users are hobbyists but I am using the software for work (which, from perspective of past years was probably one of my biggest mistakes in life and the main reason why I won't be getting anywhere near C3 or anything made by Scirra in the future).

    It means that if Construct 2 went back to 'RPG Maker' category of game engines - then I am in serious troubles. Because I've spent the last 7 years learning and mastering the software. It means all those years had been a waste of time because now I will be forced to drop the software and a fair share of the software-related knowledge/experience and switch to another engine and re-learn everything. Rendering me virtually jobless and worthless on the market of developers for years to come. Because Construct mastery does not transfer to any other game engine really.

    At this point I think I don't need to explain the gravity of the situation and how important it is for me to find a solutions to problems explained above. And I cannot leave this forum without those solutions. Its not my choice anymore.

    For the record - the most urgent fix I need right now, is to be able to export and publish games for Android/GooglePlay platform WITH at least AdMob running and Crosswalk (for <5.0 androids).

    I have the games ready. They're lightweight, done and finished. I have the products. Now I need to deliver the products to the platform. Otherwise, I will have a very nasty situation. How can I do that? Because I assume there is a way.

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    all this is sad but true lol

    if Construct 3 has an IAD and IAP plugin that WORKS without having to call any third party people will be more than happy..

    Except I am using Construct 2 not 3. The only scenario I would even consider switching to Construct 3 is if I would be offered a free upgrade Construct2 -> Construct 3. But that too would be pointless from business perspective because currently C3 offers around 10% of what Construct2 is offering and it will take around 1-2 years for C3 to catch up to C2.

    Anyway - that's not the topic here. I don't want this thread to turn into a "Scirra Hating" and get it locked. I am really looking for solutions not for a fight.

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    If the project is really as simple as described and performs as you say it does, you may have found an underlying engine flaw - please share the example.

    It is simple but it is commercial. It includes 3rd party copyright material and had been developed for a 3rd party client. NDA forbidden me to share it with anybody not related to the client or me. Sorry. I can't risk getting sued. And as I said - Mac port working or not working is just a small piece of the overall problem. What about mobiles? What about IAPs? What about Ads? What about Steam API? what about the rest of my post?

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    Can you provide any actual examples or performance data? The NW.js exports run great across all OSs last time I tested.

    No idea how would I do that. Exported a very simple game that doesn't use even 1% CPU. Gave it to 3 different Mac users and the game run 3-5FPS at best for all of them. Newest Nodekit version. No WebGL shaders. Besides - what about the rest of the issues? Because Mac export is like the last important one. Besides #2 - if anything is guilty its the wrapper, aka the element you have no control of. And even if its working - its worthless, if there is no valid monetization solution.

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    1. Desktops (via Nodekit)

    -Mac port

    Has terrible performance to the point that even the simplest game runs like PowerPoint slideshow/presentation, rendering the game unplayable. So there goes that niche but lucrative Apple audience.

    -Linux port

    Most of the time the game won't even run or run with an error or like Mac port - a slideshow. So there goes the not really lucrative BUT loyal and caring audience.

    -Windows port

    only 32bit (64bit Nodekit is slow as hell and buggy) and doesn't have a native support for the most lucrative storefront on the planet (Steam) because official Steam API plugin is unfinished, buggy and is lacking features. The only way to get it working is via paid plugin from Scirra Store, that is always up2date, has all the features and is bugfree. And its price is like half of the whole Construct 2 price lol.

    2. Browsers/Flash Portals

    The only real way to make money on Flash Portals are Idle Clickers and in most cases that still not enough, you have to add IAPs, do you like the idea or not. And even so - its just a waste to put your game on Flash Portals because it will generate only a fraction of the revenue it would generate on mobile platforms. There is a reason why all the Flash Portals and Adobe Flash is dying you know - because if you are not pure hobbist or Idle Clicker factory - its just not worth it.

    3. Mobiles

    Just died. XDK is no more, PhoneGap doesn't have all the features and there is literally no knowledge base for how to get it working via PhoneGap. It took me a lot of time to get an APK version of my HTML5 game, 48h later I still have no idea how to modify the build to include IAPs or Ads. There are few other options but they are either paid or has terrible performance.

    4. Selling your game to someone else

    Is not an option, because C2. No one will ever buy the source of even a great game if it requires him to deal with 3rd party Game Maker engine that is obligatory if you want to update or expand the game source YOU BOUGHT.

    So. Now what? All those years for nothing? Scirra products were always a headache once you actually finished your game but still - the end result could be called a Game. Now its just a toy. You can make a game with it. Show it to your friends. And that's all. A beautiful car with a great design and features. With no wheels.

    Sounds bitter? As hell. But I am here not to bash Scirra or Construct - I am looking for solutions. I want someone to come over here and tell me that I am all wrong. That I am missing something. Its not about who's wrong or right. At this point I really don't give a damn. All I care about is - finding a way out. For example - a working clone of XDK for mobiles that can be used for someone who is not native programmer. That'll be a start.

    I really don't want to switch engines. Because megaton of reasons. :'(

  • SamRock -- I recall something like this from some other users, this thread might include some clues > ... pic/628753 <

    Also, have you tried building without Crosswalk in the XDK? (Uncheck the "optimize for Crosswalk" button). You might want to set the minimum API level to 21, to restrict the app to installation on Android 5.x and later devices. Crosswalk is not needed for Android 5.x and above. If you export to PhoneGap Build with those settings you'll also get non-Crosswalk build.

    IS there a step by step guide for C2+PhoneGap? Because, honestly... I've spent about 30 minutes and I still don't know what to even click lol. With XDK it was confusing but at least I had buttons to press - now I don't even know where are the buttons. Remember that C2 is a tool for code-dumb people

  • Same as the api.

    There was talk of a 2.0, but it's gone quiet.

    I see. So the basics are functional I presume? Because GJ had some major changes in past months. Was wondering if API had been affected or was it just plain refreshing of the

  • how up to date is this plugin?

  • To be honest, Scirra's own Cordova wrapper, can't come fast enough for me.

    The Mobile wrapping to an APK is a tiresome over complicated process, with whichever service you choose to use.

    Things need to be a lot simpler, so you can concentrate on game making.

    I've been saying this for years. Specially as it applies to almost all platforms except some web-based.

    Anybody has some step-by-step tut for exporting your mobile game via PhoneGap?

  • > PhoneGap is paid and limited. Are you telling me to spend even more money...?!?


    PhoneGap Build offers one free "private" slot. You can use that private slot to build as many apps as you want. The private slot doesn't remember the name of the app you've built with it, so if you have three apps you can build all three with that free private slot. After you build "appA" just upload a ZIP of "appB" into the private slot and build that, etc.

    They do limit the size of the ZIP you can upload into the private slot, but for most users I don't think the size limit is an issue.

    Of course, the Cordova CLI option is completely free, which is exactly what PhoneGap Build and the Intel XDK build tools are based on. Both create Cordova CLI apps.

    yea but the game must be under 50MB. So nothing fancy.

    But okay. I can manage. What about AdMob/IAPs support?

  • AFAIK, PhoneGap Build has identical support to the XDK. So you can just use PhoneGap Build now. They are both based on Cordova.

    The main reason we postponed our own build system is the XDK did the job for free. It's a shame they are retracting a free service, but since nobody ever paid for it, it's not really that surprising.

    PhoneGap is paid and limited. Are you telling me to spend even more money...?!?

  • Okay, you know what - I am kind of a lost now.

    So I just had a crazy idea of making a silly mobile game for my son and some of his friends. If they would like the game I'll push it to the global market (google play first). I will need AdMob plugin for that and perhaps some way of IAPs later down the pipe.

    Now What?

    year ago I would just make the thing, port it to XDK, publish on Google Play and call it a day. What am I supposed to do now? Any up-to-date tutorial for such case? For Construct 2 of course.

    Or do I really have to start migrating to Game Maker already? :/

    > I mean, if I make a mobile game in C2 and export it, can I use the Scirra service to generate the APK ?.


    Yes, that's the idea.

    Oh you mean just the thing that should be there from the very begining and which we requested countless times before?

    You know, that thing that might had save you from troubles of doing it now in a rush?

    Yeah. That thing. Nice to hear it'll be worked on after all those years.

    Just a bit late, so to say.

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    There is no thing in the world that cannot be exploited in some way.