ultrafop's Forum Posts

  • Hello all,

    I'm wondering whether there is a way to generate "top tiles" (i.e the floor) on tiles that aren't squares, but smooth and curved (irregular shapes). Has anyone tried this? Is there a way to determine when an object ends and spawn an overlay at it's end point?

  • How is the death being handled (are you initiating an animation or are you destroying the object or...)? I assume you're dropping items to be used?

    With as much info as is available my first idea is:

    -object health less or = 0 :

    --object -> spawn item at object.x object.y,

    --object -> destroy object.

    If you want multiple kinds of drops then you may want to randomly generate a number (say between 1-100) and then setup something to check ranges of numbers that would allow for certain specific drops.

  • My thinking is that you would have two variables here, an "add variable" and the "gVariable" you mentioned.

    Set up something like,


    When button is clicked

    sub event - if "add variable" = 3 set to 1

    else - add 1 to "add variable"


    when button is clicked add "add variable" to "gvariable"

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  • Hey there,

    This should help:

    You may also want to check the FAQ thread that's pinned in this section of the forum for more tips and tricks.

  • Really cool! You've got my vote!

  • Hey there,

    try this out:

    system> compare two values> layername to "insert layer name here" = set physics enabled, set bound disabled

    else = set physics disabled, set bound enabled

    That should do the trick when you apply it to the family

  • You can always do something simple to start, like (with keyboard object):

    when "S" is pressed = system>save> to "mysave"

    When "L" is pressed = system load> to "mysave"

    Then there's stuff like this:

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/321/ho ... game-slots

    Have fun!

  • on your collision event add additional condition:

    system compare player.layernumber=object.layernumber

    Now the player should only interact with the object if the layer number is the same

  • Hey there,

    I'm trying to test a new project on my iPhone 6. I added a TCP port allowance of 50000-50100 through Norton 360 (which is currently handling my firewall), added y phone's IP address, and I'm running C2 as an administrator but I'm still not getting the project to show up on the phone's browser. Can someone point me in the right direction?

  • I haven't really done this stuff but I believe that there is some good info in this thread:


    There's also this link in there, which appears to be similar to what you're describing:


    I hope that was useful

  • Hey there!

    So I'm not 100% sure how you've got your stuff set up, but you could always try something like:

    player>on collision with object

    set animation > "happy"

    Wait 1 second

    Set animation to normal

    Depending on how you are making your player, there could be other ways to do this. For now I think this will work.

  • I'm so happy to know that you're able to get access to your project! Happy constructing!

  • I'm pretty excited about this .

  • Seriously awesome! I'm just stumbling on this - so impressive!

  • Thanks for your speedy reply ! I'm mainly interested in PC right now (for this project). Thanks for your advice

    P.S - Hope Greenlight is treating you well!