TechBoxNorth's Forum Posts

  • Was hoping someone could help me with a problem. In my topdown rpg-style game the player (a black mage) have two different attacks: hit and spell.

    I got it working so when he�s moving he stops and performs the correct animation in correct direction and then countinues to move. I�m using a variable for when he�s attacking/casting (AT)so he wont move at the same time and ignores 8-dir input untill animation is done. Now the problem is that if he stands still he can�t do two of the same attack in a row, he has to alternate attack or he cant move again. Any input on this would be greatly appreciated. I�ll link the capx. Thanx


  • omg! so easy, why didn�t I think of that. Now I feel silly :) Thanx very much.

  • I�m working on my topdown rpg-style game and I want to make HUD/Status bar at the bottom of the screen, trying to figure out how to make it so it wont overlap the rest of the game. Can C2 handle multiple views or is there a better sollution?

    Here�s what I have so far: mage

    move with arrows hold shift to run

  • Was just wondering if someone could share some tips on how to make a turnbased battle system or perhaps share a simple capx. Gonna start working on it tomorrow but any help would surely speed things up :)


  • maybe if there was only one way exits.. But if I exit layout1 into layout2 and then go to another exit in layout2 into layout3 this also has to work in reverse order so that when I return from layout3 into layout2, I appear at the correct place in layout2 and not the one I came through when exiting layout1. Hmm.. I�ll try to illustrate :)

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Hello! Just wondering if someone can tell me how I can make my character goto specific coordinates in the next layout. Also if someone could tell me if there are any layout to layout transition effects.

    Will continue to search forum for previous post, haven�t found anything yet though..


  • I confirm this as well

  • Solved it like this :)

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • I?m trying to figure out how to make my character animations work properly when walking in the diagonal directions. up,down,left and right works fine but when I press for example up+left it doesn?t animate. Have tried events with dual conditions and also experimented with subevents but nothing seems to work. Have searched the forum with no luck.

  • I also have a paypal account but haven�t used it since like 2009 or something, I logged into paypal and my VISA is registered and confirmed with that acc, problem probably is that they have sent me email requesting some kind of confirmation since I havent used it for so long and I guess I failed to respond so now my paypal acc is restricted.. *sigh*

  • Was going to buy my C2 license today but PayPal has a problem with my creditcard(VISA), don?t know why, it?s still valid and has no shortage of funds.

    How does moneybookers work?

    After some emails going back and forth between me and paypal the problem is now solved and a few seconds ago I successfully purchased my standard license :)

  • ah ok I just had a quick look before I closed down C2.. thank you again for the help :)

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  • Seems to work, but the strange thing is that I tried editing that event before just as you did and make apply to the spacebar and it did�nt work at all.. but hey, it works now :) will continue testing it tomorrow, then I�ll come back here and post the results.. thx!

  • I know I have posted about this before and then people directed me to some examples that I have downloaded. Used one of them to make a test. I�m not using standard controls (using "space" to simulate the jump), but I still don�t see how to make jumping a one-button action when standing on a v-plattform. I�m linking my test file below and would be very grateful if someone could help me out.


  • yes that would be nice! Now I�m using Flash CS5 to draw in and it works really well.. it can smooth out freehand lines and stuff