TechBoxNorth's Forum Posts

  • I will definetly make sure to make future bugreports more detailed, sorry about that :)

  • Would love to see you put up an example with vertical platform ;)

  • Ok here�s my setup:

    My pc:

    CPU: Intel core i7 960

    GPU: Asus GeForce GTX560 Ti CU2

    RAM: 12Gb 1600Mhz

    HDD: Samsung Green 500Gb 7200rpm 8mb cache

    Motherboard: Asus Sabertooth X58

    Windows 7 64bit

    All drivers and browsers are up to date.

    But as I said previously everything was fine yesterday. And today I installed the new release, opened my project and started working on it and berfore testing it I saved it so now it wont help going back to r78 since it wont run it anymore(tried that already).

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  • Whats happenings is that when I try to run the project it freezes on first frame. Tried run another tutorial capx, all i get is a webpage with the HTML5 logo with a loadingbar. Both platform proj�s

  • Installed todays release now C2 wont run my projects, everything worked fine yesterday.

  • using the default platform movement.. arrow keys, press up to jump, with this i�ll have to use up + another key to jump while on a v-platform.. or am I missing something? If so, sorry that I missed it but please tell me :)

  • yes I found that one before.. don?t like the idea of having to use a third button to jump on V-platforms

  • I�ve made some vertically moving platforms in my game using the "sine" function but it wont work properly.. on the way down player gets in falling state and on the way up there�s very glitchy jumping. Searched the forum for post but none presented a sollution.

  • Hmm.. weird that I did�nt find those.. Oh well I finally managed to work it out by my self fiddling with gravity settings and the Y vector. Thanx very much anyway :)

  • Have been searching the forum about this but couldn�t find any posts.

    I have made the sprites I need but can�t figure out how to make them work.

    Some help would be greatly appriciated :)

  • ok thanks for all the input guys.. now I have both CS5.1 and inkscape installed.. think I?ll start testing inkscape first :)

  • ok just installed a trial of CS5.1 now I�m looking for beginner tutorials for it :)

  • Was hoping anyone would have some tips on what software to use to create sprites. Looking for something that have a lot shapes n stuff since everything I try to draw freehand ends up looking like roadkill.

    Have tried gimp but couldn�t even figure out how to draw a simple filled circle :(

    So any suggestions would be great!!


  • Ok so I tested chrome and it made a BIG difference! :) Much better now, just small stutters. However I agree with Mulkaccino, would be nice to know what causes it. Perhaps a case of bad luck when I desided what gpu card to buy.. the GeForce 560Ti series is known to have all kinds of weird problems.. anyway, I�ll have to keep testing C2 before I deside to buy a licens or not. Thx guys

  • hmm.. okay. A noob question: what is garbage collection?