TechBoxNorth's Forum Posts

  • LoL!! the bouncing of walls is all messed up to. Nah, deleting the hole project.. something as simple as a breakout game isn�t worth the time it takes to figure it out. *sigh*

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  • I�ve spent some time over this with no result:

    It�s for a breakout type game. I want the player to be able to "aim" wich way the ball is gonna go by trying to make the ball hit the bat towards the edges, the further away from the center of the bat the sharper ( or wider) the angle of motion gets. I have made a breakout game before in GM but the formula I used then (bat.X - ball.X +90) doesn�t seem to work, most likely because in GM 270 is down and 90 is up. All I found when searching the forum was suggestions that I change the collision polygons but I dont think that�s a good sollution.. hard to make it exactly symetrical.

    Any ideas? :)


  • I�m working on my savegame menu for my game. Is there a good way to make the game save all character stats, inventory and so on into a single savefile without having to make a looong eventsheet? :)

  • I?m working on my savegame menu for my game. Is there a good way to make the game save all character stats, inventory and so on into a single savefile without having to make a looong eventsheet? :)

  • Doh! Was it that simple.. ok thx <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Can�t find how to do this. Is it possible?

  • Mivo Looks great, thanx!

  • Oh.. didn�t see that, better go and clean my glasses <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Thx a bunch!

  • Hey guys!

    Not sure if this is the right place for this question.. anyway here goes.

    My boss thinks I should learn some programming (he�s a math-freak hehe) and suggested that I start with javascript so I was hoping someone here could just give me some tips on how to get started like, where can I find complete beginners tutorials videos etc and what editor to use.

    I have NO programming experience at all, just some simple coding in GM8.1 learned from video-tuts on youtube.

    Thx for you time!

  • Ok thx so much! I�ll start working on it now :)

  • ok sure :) I wonder where I went wrong though.. feels like I painted myself into a corner LoL :)

  • the orc_mask is (and this goes for player_mask also) so he can walk up to the upmost wall and still be visible.

    Edit: and also be half visible when walking behind a wall.

    The original collisionbox has been altered to interact in the correct way with sidewalls, haven?t found another way to achieve this. as for the naming of the animations I never knew that you could use part of the name and add &self.DIR.

  • Hello! Have been trying all day to make this work but still can�t fix it.

    On the layout I have the player and three enemys (orcs) that I want to recieve damage individually. Experimented with families and UID after recieving an example capx from someone here at forum. I�ll post my capx so you can see what I have so far:


    use arrow keys to move press C to cast spells (and X just plays a attack with staff animation), hold sh*t while moving to walk.

           edit:       LOL spelled "shift" wrong

    I plan to add more kinds of enemies if this can be solved.


    (march 17)


    Still haven�t been able to solve this one. Tried to do the same thing in GM8.1 with some GML and was done in 5 minutes since every instance of an object get its own creation code, but I DON�T want to use GM8.1 because C2 is so much better in so many ways!! There has to be a sollution to this! :)

    So if there�s anyone here can take a look at the posted capx (you need to have licensed C2) and help me out I would be extremely grateful!game

  • it�s not that simple since every enemy uses three parts:

    enemy_mask - stores variables and handles collisions with solids.

    enemy_animation - movement, attack and other animations i 8 directions

    enemy_collision - Handles colissions from player spells and attacks.

  • They all have variables for HP direction and other variables already if that�s what you mean. Problem is when I put multiple copies of for example orcs they all do everything at the same time, not individually