TechBoxNorth's Forum Posts

  • Thanks for answering However, the jigsaw game is nowhere close to what I'm trying to do. I'll keep trying and if I solve it I will post what I did.

    Thanks again.

  • Try undocking it. When docked, cpu is high.

    Pretty meaningless anyway, as debug is obviously going to use considerably more resources tracking everything.

    Wow that made it go down to 1%

    Thanks for the quick reply.

  • I just installed the latest stable release (r221) and nw13. Now when I continue working on my small project I notice when running debug with nw the cpu usage has gone from around 7% to 20%. Is the new nw really that more taxing on the cpu?

  • Hello!

    I'm making a 3x3 slider puzzle game and have ran into a problem: I just leaned that the pieces can be layed out in an unsolvable way so I need some way for the game to check if the current order of bricks is possible to solve. Has anyone made a game like this before?

    For those who don't know, ClickTeam is working on ClickTeam Fusion 3.0 (said to be released late this year) and there are some who believe that it will introduce a reworked eventsystem that will look A LOT like what Construct 2 has right now. Many posts in ClickTeam forums compare the two eventsystems and the result is almost exclusively in favor of Construct 2.

    Another thing that I've read in their forum is that one of Scirra's founders was once a user of ClickTeam's products but got fed up with the bad eventsystem and set out to create something better. This might just be a rumor though.

    In any case I think Scirra is very aware of what ClickTeam is doing (and vice versa of course) and thus keeps public information about Construct 3 to a minimum and rightfully so!

    If and when Scirra thinks it to be appropriate to release any info about C3 I will enthusiasticly read it

  • Thanks for this! This thread was the perfect find!

  • On several occasions I have tried getting into using ClickTeam Fusion 2.5 (I bought the developer version along with both mobile exporters) to have the advantage native exporters and somewhat easier implementation of ads but the eventsystem in it is so horrible that I've never finnished a single project with it. Construct 2's eventsystem is a pure delight to work with. If all you want to do is prototyping then Construct 2 is the obvious choice but I would strongly recommend it in either case.

  • I'm no expert here but it sounds like a creating a function with a loop and two local variables might be something to consider. example (psuedo code):

    on function "retrieve data"

    local variable arrayX = (put the desired x value here)

    local variable i = 0

    while i < array.height

    retrieve the value here at array(array.x,i)

    i = i+1

    then call the function "retrieve data" where you need it.

    Again I'm no expert with little experience with arrays but maybe this helps a bit.

  • I love C2. I loved it since the day I bought it. It is, hands down, the BEST game making tool I have ever laid my hands on. But I believe there is a whole lot of room for improvement. I understand that the devs are already busy working on Construct 3. Some of Construct 2's improvements can be solved (and can also be carried over to Construct 3) by answering these two simple questions:

    - Do we (Scirra developers) have enough people/staff to maintain and update the product?

    - Do we have a good business model to support the growth/expansion of the company and improvement of the product/s?

    IMO, paying just once for a GREAT product like Construct 2 sounds like a missed opportunity. I would gladly pay a yearly subscription fee (at a reasonable price) if that meant the product would get the best support it needs, the best updates to its features, and the best product overall.

    I also hope that the next iteration of Construct doesn't depend solely on wrappers. Wrappers almost ensure that exports to other platforms will always be at an 'almost native' performance, and will never be at a native performance level. Wrappers also add another layer of technicality, most of which aren't even in the hands of Scirra. These things are what's holding C2 back and it's so disappointing. Again, just my opinion.

    So please devs, don't hold your own product/s back. I do hope Construct 3 is leagues beyond Construct 2.


    What he said.

  • The way I look at "No programming required" is that you don't have to learn a programming language to use Construct 2. The best advice I got when I started was to start small and make very simple projects at first to get familiar with construct 2. There are tons of good tutorials out there on youtube and some really great ones on if you want to invest in it. Tutorials has been my main source of knowledge since I'm a very visual learner.

  • thankyou very much!

  • Trying to figure out how these things work. I haven't found anything helpful in the forum and the tiny explanation in the manual is no help at all.

    I'm not trying anything to do with the tmx importer, just the built in tilemap object.

    Any help would be great!


  • Try Construct 3

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  • one Block.Sprite with 50 frames...?

    If mouse clicked on Palette-> spawn Block.Sprite

    ...................................................set frame to int(right(Palette.blockType,1)

    or something like that...

    Nope not like that.. but it doesn't matter, I scrapped the whole thing. I'm trying to build a level editor but using sprites to build an entire level would be too resource intensive. Better to figure out a way to do it with tilemap. Thanks anyway

  • I have a palette of different blocks (pBlock1, pBlock2 etc) in a family called Palette. "Palette" has a family instance text variable called blockType that varies depending on what type of block they should create when clicked on so pBlock1 has the variable set to "block1" and when it is clicked on I want it to create an instance of block1.

    it would be like this: If mouse clicked on Palette -> Palette spawn instance (self.blockType)

    is this possible or do I have to:

    If mouse clicked on Palette

    If Palette.blockType = block1 -> spawn instance block1

    If Palette.blockType = block2 -> spawn instance block2

    If Palette.blockType = block3 -> spawn instance block3

    If Palette.blockType = block4 -> spawn instance block4

    Imagine what this would look like if I have a palette of 50 (or more) different types of blocks.

    There has to be a better way.. if anyone knows please do tell


  • Same problem for me, how can i go back to latest stable? i edited the project heavily and now i can't run it with 212.2

    EDIT: found this: ... onstruct-2

    Yes that's what I did but keep in mind that it wont work with projects saved as a single file.