TechBoxNorth's Forum Posts

  • Went back to latest stable, now it works again

  • First of all it says that script can't be minified because I need to install java but I have both x64 and x86 versions of the latest jdk installed.

    When export is complete it reminds me that it was not minified but should play anyway. When I try to start the game nothing happens. When I open the taskmanager I find 4 instances of the "gametitle".exe doing nothing.

    Is this a problem with windows 10 or is NW.js broken?

    Any help to fix this would be greatly appreciated!


  • For a grid its:


    Where n is the nearest number to snap to.

    Otherwise just use set x to int(self.x)


  • You have two options.

    Either snap the objects to whole numbers using events.

    Or don't check exact coordinates, check if it's within an area. ><

    Can you give a short explanation on how to snap positions?

  • Done some more testing. Found out that objects with physics behaviour, even if set to immovable renders the pixel rounding option useless. So I turned of physics for the floor but the glitch was still there, turns out that the players platform behaviour also is part of the problem since it never lands with a whole number on the Y axis. So anything with any kind of movement behavior completely disregards pixel rounding.

  • I never had such problem so I'm not very familiar with this topic, but the first thing that came to my mind was pixel rounding project property. Do you have it ON?

    From the manual:

    [quote:hxhc60bv]Pixel rounding

    By default Construct 2 objects can be drawn at sub-pixel positions, e.g. (100.3, 200.8). If the browser is using linear filtering, this can make fine pixel art appear blurry. If Pixel rounding is set to On, Construct 2 objects round their position to a whole number before drawing, e.g. (100, 201). This prevents any blurring, and can also prevent "seams" appearing on grids of objects. Note this does not affect their actual X and Y co-ordinates, which can still be between pixels - it only affects where they are drawn on the screen.

    Yes Pixel rounding is on (using the retro style template)

  • Hello!

    I'm working on a platformer game and have discovered a problem. When running the game in debug I saw that object does not have an exact position. example: The floor is placed with an Y position of 128 but when I inspect it in debug it has an y position of 127.9541354174. This causes annoying glitches in the player(set to be global) animations when switching to next layout, the falling animation is played for a fraction of a second before returning to normal because the floor in the next layout is also set with y value but not the same as the first one. Why is C2 setting the floor to 127.9541354174 instead of 128?

  • Hmm looks like I'm gonna have to skip it for now never used php before...

    "Make games without coding" only gets you so far.

    Thanks very much for takig the time to answer though

  • Like the topic title says , can it be done without using php/mysql?

    Make it use an externa file to read/write data from?

    I have my own webserver running wamp but have zero knowledge about php/mysql.

    Any thoughts?


  • I have never done anything like that before but would probably try something like put an invisible sprite behind the slope and check if the player is overlapping it while pressing up or down.

    Interesting "castlevania problem" you got there

  • Ok that's some valueable info, thanks!

    Had a look at your Courier game, looks to be great and congrats on the steam greenlight.

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  • Thanks for taking the time to help! Made the changes and they work great! What was my error here? (so I can learn and avoid similar misstakes in the future)

    I know that I rarely use else statements.. might be something I need to look into more often

    Thanks again!

  • mobile is dead unless you are ketchapp or sitting on the next Boom Beach

  • When the ball bounces fast between 2 bricks that require more than 1 hit to be destroyed, the game can't keep up and the bricks just stay on screen. The bricks are members of the "bricks" family wich has an instance variable "hits" that subtracts 1 every time the ball collides with it. Hopefully I'm doing something wrong or it would mean that hardware from 1986 outperforms C2

    Any insight, tips and so on would be great!
