staleevolution's Forum Posts

  • Cool. Might have to study your Capx for know how. I'd too like to make a Metroid type game after Sugar High Shakedown is completed. Good luck.

  • We are hoping to include some interactive objects. As it stands, players will need to collect candy for upgrades (pretty standard), and the objects can provide more opportunities to gather candy. There will be 3 types of candy to collect for various things. I have to hold off on the idea in case we get it up and running and it turns out it didn't work as planned, although, I have high hopes for it to work. It's nothing mind blowing, just a slightly different approach for a beat em up I've never seen. I updated the blog with a few more images. I also just completed all of level 3's assists to create the entire level. Might post some of it soon. Once we can get it up and running then I would like to post some gameplay. Thanks again for staying interested.

  • nemezes

    I checked out your game. Good job on it. I like the tiny pixel characters. I will have to check out the Capx, along with the other links.


  • I've been trying to find a Capx or look at an event sheet to properly program when player attacks the enemy reacts only when the player's fist or foot comes in to contact. I've seen picture where someone put a small collision box on the fist, but I don't know how to make it pinned to that image point or if it spawns when player punch animation runs. Any clue on how to make it happen?

  • Kyatric

    I made it scrolling, but now my character has to start at the top and instead of scaling up the mountain, he has to scale down due to touch controls (which are on separate layer with Parrallax at 0, 0) not appearing at the start of the game since the window is at the top of the layer. They appear and scroll with the player as long as I place the character starting in the designated window.

    Is there a way to place the window at the bottom?

    I will have to post a Capx after I try a few more things. I also have the player shoot stars when touching a certain on screen button. It spawns about 5-6 at a time so it looks like a snake,. I have to try and fix that and I might hold off on the jumping for now. Thank you and the crew for your time. I'm sure I will be needing it again.

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  • and

    I will give it a shot tomorrow when time allows. Thank you both.

  • How do you disable user input?

    How would it look on an Event Sheet?

    I still need to figure out how to avoid collisions with another object. Such as a falling rock and I go to hit jump up, the rock needs to then be able to pass under the player while the player jumps.

  • Some smaller objects will need to be jumped over. Some will need to be avoided by jumping left or right. Some enemies will throw projectiles, and moving left to right or up won't be fast enough so jump will be required. Same with some objects like thin stream mud slide can't be climbed on.

  • I'm making it a vertical auto scrolling game. Think Flappy Bird, but vertical. The player is always climbing up the wall/rocks/cliff. Plan to implement a stamina bar, so he will have to try and reach a certain object to refill it or he falls. There will be other objects to avoid such as thorn bushes, birds, enemies, etc...

    I guess I could get rid of the 8 directional behavior and give him the platform behavior to see if it works.

    There won't be any platform type objects to stand on, as he is in constant climbing state (think Spiderman climbing up a building with back view, almost like crawling position).

    I also still need to figure out how to make the background image repeat as it scrolls. I have the screen going, but the tiled background (on a separate layer) ends and then he is just climbing on a white background.

  • As I'm learning Construct, I'm trying new things. I started a side project where I have the player (with 8 directional behavior) that I switched to 4 Directions, move left, right, up, down scaling a wall. I implemented touch screen controls (I might add keyboard) for the 4 directions.

    I imported sprite animations to jump left, right, and Up. I also put on the screen 3 new touch buttons to function as Jumping Left, Right, and Up.

    The animations have 5 frames each. It's the same sprite at normal size, bigger size, largest size, back to bigger size, then normal size. So the gradual increase in size and reverse looks like jumping.

    Here is my problem: I can't figure out a way to implement it in the Event Sheet. I've tried different things, but was wondering if I have to do some setting as "X set to 20" or something like that to make him move so many sprites over to the left (or right or up) as the animation occurs.

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks in advance.

  • I was going to ask the same question. I was able to follow the Flappy Bird tutorial and scroll horizontally, but my testing project has the tile background in its own layout. I was able to make Eggmaster's tutorial where it scrolled upwards, but I couldn't get the actual background image to scroll with it.

    I also have to get the objects to scroll with it. Otherwise, I might have to just make the height of the background extremely large and just set objects in certain spots instead of randomly appear.

  • Dreamcader

    I've updated ... n-the-blog where you can view Lita.

    I also updated the first page of this post with some gifs including Shutar Roy. Not sure if I will implement the strategies for containing kids in the game. Thank you for viewing.

  • YoHoho

    It is being built from scratch using Construct. In Scirra's store there is a beat em up scrolling and platformer templates. I was going to use those, but Luckily I found a programmer who wanted to jump in on this. The developer of those store templates put in detailed notes of events with the event sheets.

    I know if you create an invisible box and have your actual player's behavior pinned to it, it will help with collisions since the beat em ups are mainly collision actions (then again, you might already have known that).

  • nemezes Thanks. I just finished the art for 2 new characters, Lita and Shugar Roy Leon. I have to start nailing down the next levels and interactive objects.

  • I really love the art.