shinkan's Forum Posts

  • I don't know if I can have several instances of the same tiled bg, but for each one of them load different image.

    As I can remember You can't do that in C2. It was possible in CC to have multiple instances of same tileBG with different texture on each of them, but not in C2 - at least while I was testing it few months ago.

  • Groups and variables do count as "Events" for some reason.

  • Rushino zatyka

    Can't check your files at the moment, but wouldn't this be possible using Stepping from Custom Movement behavior?

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    "I am sorry if I didn't read the whole topic" - that's another issue with "new" people. They start conversation without any knowledge what it is about.

  • Are you sure you have WebGl on your iPad? - Setting it to ON in C2 doesn't always mean you will get it on end device. Try to add simple text or something to show if your device is using WebGl or is it still canvas2d - Had similar issue with crosswalk and samsung galaxy s3.

  • woah, nice

  • Something similar have just happened to me. I've changed animation name from "Default" to "Normal", duplica this animation and rename new one to "Destroyed". After closing Image Editor and saving project and then opening Image Editor again all frames in "Normal" animation are the same - my all 8 frames now look exactly like frame 0.

    Edit: Look like it's only a visual bug in Image Editor. All frames are still on hard drive but using "Reload files from disk" is doing nothing in this case. On C2 r167.2

  • 1. Layout Properties: Layout size - Size of let's called this "area" where your game happens - think of it as a level size

    2. Project Properties: Windows size - Size of your game window. How big, in pixels your game will be on preview and after export. For example 1280x720 pixels means that your game window in browser,mobile or desktop will have 1280 pixels wide and 720 pixels tall.

    3. how about layout properties: margin - it's just a "free space" outside the layout in layout editor. make yourself a layout of size 400x400 and set margins to 0,0 - try pan around layout editor with Middle mouse button (or holding spacebar). Then set margins to 1000,1000, pan around, and see the difference.

  • if Your Target is for example x:100, y:100 in absolute mode it will move object to layout coordinates X100, Y100. In relative mode it will move "from object current position" 100 pixels to the right and 100 pixels down.

  • Just did. Fps are better, CPU usage is much lower than in stable. But still no WebGL.

  • I noticed the same after updating to 714 and using "Stable: Crosswalk on Cordova 3.3.0" WebGl don't work anymore on my Samsung Galaxy S3.

    My previous version of XDK was kinda old v277 and just made an update to new one to test few things.

    For now actually this "game" works faster running from Chrome for Android, from my dropbox than from the Crosswalk xD

  • Ubivis so what about this

    "AutoTileSet makes placing them as easy as it gets and is compatible with Construct 2"

    plugin that comes with pro version?

  • Once again, I don't give a crap about image painting, editing, modifying or whatever.

    All I'm saying in first post is related to have more control over animations and animation frames.

    There is no external software that will import your frames or sprite sheets, set all animation names with correct properties and set all Image points with collision mask.

    If you start using more then 2 animations and more then 3 frames per animation you will then understand how wonderful and friendly image editor is.

    Irbis thanks for pointing that out

    Thndr You are misunderstanding. I'm importing nice and tidy spritesheets. but there's a lot of them. and for every each of them I need to set diffrent animation name with different properties. Wouldn't be easier to just import spritesheet as animation while preserving file name as animation name? Wouldn't be easier to select all animations and set only once "speed = 0" then click each one every time? Wouldn't be easier to be able to copy image point or collision mask and past it to all frames you want instead of manually placing it for each frame (yes there is an option to set for whole animation or for all animations, but it's good only in some cases) ?

    I've attached one of my simplest spritesheets - this is first frame of walk cycle animation. There are 56 more spritesheets with same setup.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • helena zenox98 Yeah. because you can set all your animation and all your frames in external software...

    I'm not taking about things like drawing cirlces, write text or any of typical tools for editing/creating graphic assets.

    I'm talking about animation and frames management.

    Some time ago I was making some sprites for sale - simple isometric soldier, with 16 directions and about 18 separate animations = about 1000 images altogether (before you say I'm not interested in mobiles or web). Even Making it all to spritesheets (57 spritesheets) it took more time adding and setting this up in C2 then creating and animating this sprite.

    "and there's only one person working with it."

    ohh, I'm sorry didn't know that ~cruel sarcasm ~

    "but he is only one man, after all, and there are SOOOOOOO many other more important things he should concentrate on"

    Agree. But seriously, things should be fixed first - and there's a lot to fix and finish, before adding new ones.

  • As you can see on your images. Origin (Image point) is set to center of this black sprite, and for the character sprite is set way off to the right. X and Y positions are based on Origin.

    and before you think of making your game check the manual and complete all beginner tutorials.