savvito123's Forum Posts

  • Hello,

    How can i sort 8 cards like this

  • Hi savvito123

    Is this question relevant to Photon plugin? If not, please post to appropriate forum.

    Its about Photon share position.

    In a few words, i have an object at 200,200 and i move it to 50,50 at my screen, i want to the others screen to move from other position.

    I was looking for an answer but Im close to find the answer by rotating the layers.

  • Hello, need your lights for a card game.

    What is the structure for a 4 players game each one in each side,but my player in my screen showing always at bottom side.

    Like 4 people playing cards in a table and each one see his cards and the others to the left top right.

  • Hello, how to move multiple same objects one by one? it seams that only one can pick and share the position.

  • Suppost every user has store their email and the password needed

  • Hmmm, do you want to make a leaderboard and retreive all the images from leaderboard to show up in one screen or just to retreive the image for the current player from leaderboard and only show his own image?

  • I think you cannot add frames coding.

    You have to add them direct to the sprite at layout.

  • I never use FileChooser or Multiplayer by Construct but if you already sync the "paddle" sprite then if you just use the same "paddle" sprite with Load image from URL instead of trying to sync a new sprite should work.

    But is just a theory because i never use this plugins.

  • Im not sure if i understand completely but here is an example

    If this fit your needs , the only think is left is to save the dictionary to a local storage if you want the users when they close and open your game to remember their progress.

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  • Audio -> Playback Rate.

    Is that you are looking for?

  • Hmm, your screenshot not help much but do you change / edit the correct1 variable during game?

  • So, in short i removed action "get localstorage.Coins" from the game almost at all and now coins are working fine.

    Do it for all then.

    Tip: Dop2000 is really helpfull in this forum , he know better than us so if Dop say somewhere in your code you are doing something wrong then you do.

    If you do not want to share all the project you can screenshot the parts you use the localStorage and share it.

  • I just notice you say there is not delay on start of layout.

    So this is the key, there is no need to load every time your score/level/coins change.

    Just do it once the player open your game and add a dictionary to hold your variables while the users play your game.

    So if a level end and you collect 100 coins, save the coins to your local storage but not load it back,just save it and to a dictionary and continue the game with the dictionary values.

    Now, as blackhornet say its better to use a dictionary to have only one save/load. And this is up to you if you want to have a game and run with no issues then you have to change your code and add the dictionary.

  • You have this issue at the first run?

    When you open your game for first time, coins are take too long to load?

  • Hello ,

    Im interesting to add some emoji in the game and i was wondering if i can add this

    Does construct support this files?

    And how about performance of the game?