savvito123's Forum Posts

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  • Hello,

    Im reading again the multiplayer documentation and i notice that "The message must be a text string".

    So, in a project i use the send message ("text" &"/"& 123) and it send the number and i can use it with the 2nd value of the tokenat.

    The question is, is this correct or i have to avoid it?

    Does this maybe sometimes drive me to errors?

  • The loop doesn't miss repeats. But if you are picking a random instance 3 times, it's possible that sometimes the same instance will be picked again. If you want to avoid this, you need to somehow mark already picked instances, for example by setting a boolean variable isPicked=true. Add a condition "isPicked is not set" before "Pick random Cards instance".

    Or you might use "Cards MoveTo is not moving" condition.

    Thanks guys, i really forgot to set the "available" instance variable to false.

  • Just trying to use repeat loop with pick random instance and i notice that sometimes miss 1 repeat.

    Reading the forum i found that dop2000 mention that could happen

    Is that true?

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  • I notice that sometimes when i use only the "disconnect from room" and navigate the user to "main" layout is still in room.

    Also its ok to not disconnect a user when leaving the room? Because i have the "connect to signaling server" at "game" layout.

    So the question is, If a player is connected to signaling server and return to main layout without disconnect from signaling server Its OK to join again the game layout and make another connect to signaling server?

  • With out to try it.

    With boolean->selected

    Pick all -> set boolean true

    Pick a random instance -> set boolean false


  • Hello jsutton , thanks for your help.

    Im using php and phpmyadmin also.

    Its a long time im searching for a way to let the players upload an image mostly to use it to leaderboard.

    Yesterday i realised that its better to just send a file(picture) in a folder to the server with the uniqe id of the player and retreive it with the url/unigeid.png instead of overload the database with real pictures.

    Im make some test and i send a file to the server but its empty, i will try to send the binary.getbase64 to see the results.

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  • Wich one i must use when a player want to leave the room or when the game ends?

  • Hello,

    Looking for a starting point to send a file "image" to a folder in the server.

    I try with filechooser to send the fileUrl via Ajax and with canvassnapshot but the server receive an empty file.

    The canvassnapshot or the filechooser.fileUrl is the real file.png or im sending an empty file?

  • Im looking for that answer also.

    I have to send the users id so the php can recognize who is sent the picture to store to his row but i dont know how to send the BinaraData.

  • There are 4 choices here,

    High , normal , low and very low.

    can someone explain to me where each one fits.

    For example i have a score variable with the max value can reach is 820 and is set when a peer press a button. At this situation what is the best option?

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  • Just talking to my self :/

    I try a lot of disconnection compination.

    But everytime when a peer leave i get this error.

    Im doing something wrong?

  • Here are some errors i get if anyone know what this are and want to help.