saiyadjin's Forum Posts

  • foreground? font color?

  • extended sale to 4th of january 2016!!!

  • hmm that's wierd...

    what encoder did you use for your sounds? maybe encoding changed?

    example - encode mp3 with lame.dll and some other mp3 dll encoder - > not a same file, could cause problems

    (mp3 is example, each type of audio file (ogg, wav, and so on..) has more encoders ... )

    if i think of anything else i'll post..

  • ummm how about extracting the issue into an empty project and fiddle with it there, to see if it works good or if you can solve it somehow if it still exists.

    if you solve it - ok

    if you don't - post that capx (with empty project + problem) and we'll see what can be done.

    other things you can try - preload sounds?

  • reinstall? are you using r219? 216? i'm on win10 and it works just fine, it's probably something else. did you install with auto detect or 32 bit? maybe you've selected wrong.

    also check graphics drivers? viruses/spyware/malware?

  • can you post a capx ? or at least a method (Steps) how to reproduce that? where did you see that "40%" lag?

    debugger? some other tool? how? what? where? don't just bump in without any evidence / steps / etc and throw big words like "very bad"

  • what phone do you have ? how heavy is your game? effects? particles?

  • actually that would be nice to have

  • oh, yeah i've noticed, nvm though. i was.. wait why did i use png exploder anyway? i didn't know that .. OMG lol

  • it's actually just image bending, and partially you can do that by moving images, though this seems more like a photoshop feature then a c2 feature, because let's face it:

    c2 - game making tool

    photoshop - image editing tool

    big difference, and you can't make c2 do everything.

  • i think generally a nice textbox above each column would be nice to filter out all the data.

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  • aren't they supported by drag and drop in c2?

    p.s. you could use PNG crusher/splitter/something to take each frame out from gif and get all frames pngs.

    and then import as you usually would.

  • umm..

    you just extract them to effect folder where c2 is installed and create a config (unless you have one already) so it shows in c2.

    p.s. using shaders is just using fx files to calculate each pixel through some magical formula

  • Fimbul - well you're wrong about a few things...

    well what's wrong with "dumbing down" windows? i'm pretty sure that microsoft has the idea of creating a operating system where you can do everything without complicating much. so is android / ios /etc.. therefore AI is getting better (cortana / siri / etc..) and so on... The good stuff with windows is that these options are hidden - therefore Power users can still change and play with them. Normal users don't even know what registry is, and they probably don't want to mess around with it at all. plug and play is all people want today. Developers want custom control and fine tuning, but developers are 1%, 99% are customers.

    when it comes to missing some parts of customization in windows - i think they choose what should be and what shouldn't be customizable. like UAC. noone (users) messes with that. maybe a few, when they want to disable it. most of it never touch it ever. work as it is. for me as a PU, it's annoying and goes off immediately.

    i don't see why win10 is "free to play".

    yes privacy is the biggest issue in terms of not releasing your information to outer world. like name, age, where you from, your social numbers, card numbers and so on... and i'm sad to dissapoint you, but if you have Facebook, you've already given 70% of your info to the world.

    windows 10 phones home? first time i hear about it, can you provide some info about it? link or something? also - each option i've disabled - is disabled and doesn't change on update, nor does it work accidentally.

    also you gotta take in consideration if your info is valuable ? - does microsoft care who you are? no. do they care what you have to say about their software? probably. do you want them to know your secrets ? it doesn't matter - if they do - noone else is going to know, only them, and if you don't want them to know you can disable it all.

    and again sad to dissapoint you but this is where things get wierd for users - chrome / firefox / whatever need tweaking and people don't whine about it and they are way less private then they appear to be, but when it's windows everyone starts losing their minds

    windows is great, and while linux doesn't have as good thing as windows has directX, software support and more.. it will never change. and people are just going to have to update. p.s. linux won't change windows soon. imagine if people switched to linux (normal users..) they'd be blown away by not knowing anything, and having to learn how to work in terminal... that is just... a big no for users.

    yet you still haven't proved how linux (links pls, or arguments with proofs) or any other OS is better then windows and why is windows still holding 90% of market share (we're talking desktop/laptop here)

    ErekT - interesting. i've stopped using facebook because i've had nothing to do on it, but i get your concern. still i don't think they have any advantage or what not if they take my data and build some profiles. still i don't think there is any potential dangers to them having that info, but even if some of the info leaked you'd have something to use against the company and sue them. that's why those informations are kept with great security.

  • i don't see why everyone is throwing so much hate on win10.

    i'm using them for 3 months (and upgraded from 10240 to 10586) and i can't be happier. i was on xp/7/8.1/10 and i can tell you the best windows for me were 8.1, but now i'm suddenly more into 10 and they're taking me over from 8.1 (yes i know how everyone hated that metro menu).

    and when it gets to "normal" users like me, you, someone else, and so on.. i don't see what the big "privacy fuss" is all about. like you ever spend 20hours reading eula before installing windows. just because media went batshit crazy on the privacy issue like it's something big doesn't mean that win7/8 isn't "spyin'" on you as they call it.

    sending data through internet is done no matter what windows you use. your browser collects it, google collects it, everyone collects it. you can't get rid of it. and trust me, i'd rather have an updated windows system then some linux (i'm not saying that linux is bad, but it's got a lot of problems & driver / partition issues and so on..), because it runs fast, supports everything and their new "stuff" is somewhat taken from linux (multiple display desktops and such ideas) which is nice to see. but performance in general vs 7 (fps and other things - > way better on 10, even 8.1 was way faster). Also i dig the new "flat" look because simply win 7 (we're talking defaults here) look like garbage for todays standards (i know you can shut that off and all but ok..).