Does pick by comparison give you a ton of lag VS compare var

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  • I finished a long list of trial and error making a loop system for (tons) of instances, but now Im trying to figure it out, is the best way to compare (performance wise) by "compare variable" on an instance rather than pick by comparison?

    Because Ive noticed by comparison adds like 40% more CPU usage. (very bad).

    But picking by "compare variable" (built into object) does not.

    Any other methods to pick if its compared to a passed function parameter?

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  • Hey Itenimum1 hi.

    I dont see any lag between those events "compare variable" | "pick by comparison" | "pick by evaluate" .

    IMO its the same thing. IMO pick nearest or farthest is more cpu consumption than the above events.

    I dont know for sure ( maybe it is something with your code that gives you 40% more cpu consumption ) so i think the most experience users with c2 can help you with this, maybe ASHLEY.


  • can you post a capx ? or at least a method (Steps) how to reproduce that? where did you see that "40%" lag?

    debugger? some other tool? how? what? where? don't just bump in without any evidence / steps / etc and throw big words like "very bad"

  • I finished a long list of trial and error making a loop system for (tons) of instances, but now Im trying to figure it out, is the best way to compare (performance wise) by "compare variable" on an instance rather than pick by comparison?

    Because Ive noticed by comparison adds like 40% more CPU usage. (very bad).

    But picking by "compare variable" (built into object) does not.

    Any other methods to pick if its compared to a passed function parameter?

    Post a .capx to show this issue here and steps to reporoduce.

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